Iraq: Fallujah Fully Liberated from ISIS

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 26, 2016

Due to Russian intervention, The US/Israel-backed terrorist group ISIS is losing their entire base.


Fallujah has been fully liberated from Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), a senior Iraqi commander told AP after the army regained control over the last area in the city under IS control. Fallujah had been under terrorist control since January 2014.

Iraqi troops have entered Fallujah’s northwestern al-Julan neighborhood, the last remaining stronghold of IS militants in the city.

“We announce from this place in central Golan district that it has been cleaned by the counter terrorism service and we convey the good news to the Iraqi people that the battle of Falluja is over,” Lieutenant General Abdul Wahab al-Saidi told state TV.

Troops will now start working on removing bombs from streets and houses.

Earlier statements of full victory in Falluja were made back in mid-June by Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi, but street-to-street fighting in the city continued for more than a week.

On June 17, the counter-terrorism service and the rapid response forces claimed retaking the government compound in the center of Fallujah and the Iraqi flag was raised over the mayor’s compound. At that time authorities acknowledged that a significant part of the city was still under the control of Islamic extremists.

This is a major city they’ve lost.


As a result of these continued losses in the Middle East, they will likely continue to step-up attacks in the West, in order to give the impression they are relevant.

With the millions of ISIS agents that Merkel has brought in, we can expect to see the war moving to Europe.