Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 13, 2014

I could not be happier about the ISIS takeover of Iraq. They have yet to take Baghdad as I write this, but it appears as though they are going to be able to do so, basically at the drop of a hat. They are coming through like a hurricane, destroying all which stands in their path, securing victory after victory.
I am happy because this proves once and for all that attempts to bring “democracy” to the Middle East were retarded from the beginning, and anyone should have been able to see it. I am happy because this crushes whatever credibility the Jew-run Western world was holding on to. I am happy because this is very, very bad for the Jews, as a new and relevant dictatorship will rise from the ashes in this new Sunni Iraqi state – these ISIS people are not stupid – and there is no way that they are going to be able to convince America to invade the country a third time.
Ultimately, this symbolizes a coming end to Western involvement in the Middle East, and a future where Israel is going to have to figure out its own methods for destroying their perceived and actual enemies.
And I’m also happy for the Arabs, as they can now live as they are intended to live.

I hope the Shia are able to evolve their own resistance state, and I hope ISIS doesn’t take down Assad. The takeover of Sunni Iraq, however, may provide grounds for negotiations between the two parties, something which would be very bad for the Jews.
I generally side with Shia over Sunni, but ISIS appear to be the only people in the area with the balls to bring down the entire system and install a brutal pan-Arabian dictatorship. And that is what is best for everyone, in the end. It only makes it poetic that the Jews are the ones who funded these people to fight Assad in the first place. They clearly have no control over this situation today.
Apparently, the Iraqi fake President asked Obama to start a bombing campaign before they take Baghdad, and Obama said “no.” I will be surprised if Israel doesn’t start bombing later today, but I don’t think they can stop this storm.
The Middle East is going to burn down, completely, and something new is going to rise. This is not at all good for the Jews.