Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 1, 2015
Jewish techniques for destroying a people are tried and tested, and they use the same techniques on all the goyim.
Right now, they are tearing down all of our historical monuments, teaching our children that all of our heroes were villains, and going so far as to encourage the Blacks to dig up the graves of our honored war generals.
As such, it makes perfect sense to me that the Jews are stealing or destroying Arab historical artifacts in order to erase the historic identity of these people.
ISIS is literally bulldozing ancient sites.
An Iraqi historian and archaeologist, as well as the director of Syria’s Palmyra Museum, both claimed on Wednesday that an “international Jewish mafia” was conspiring to steal the Middle East’s most precious antiquities in an effort to destroy the region’s Arab heritage.
“The Jews are always looking for antiquities” historian and archaeologist Ali al-Nashmi said in an interview posted on Youtube and translated by MEMRI, adding that “they extort, steal and establish gangs,” as a means to pilfer the area of its historic treasures.
Sounds like Jews.
Al-Nasmi claimed that “this ancient theory from the days of the Babylonian captivity 2,500 years ago” could be traced all the way to the 19th century, where it “was reinforced following the 1897 Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland.”
This lead to the formation of the Zionist effort to steal antiquities in which “a mafia connected to the Jewish capital was born,” he added.
Also featured in the video was Walid Al-Assad, director of Palmyra Museum, whose 82 year-old father was beheaded by ISIS in late August. Al-Assad referred to the Jewish conspiracy as an effort “to erase the Arab origins of the antiquities in the area” and “to destroy the city [of Palmyra] and wipe it off the face of the Earth.”
In August, Islamic State (IS) militants beheaded antiquities scholar Khaled Asaad in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra and hung his body on a column in a main square of the historic site.
Arabs did not historically respect the areas monuments very highly, but neither did they purposefully try to destroy them. They kept the ancients in tact, for the most part, and over the last decades moved much of the art to museums.
ISIS is systematically destroying the region’s history by raiding museums and crushing everything, as well as literally bulldozing ancient cities.

As we can see, person’s such as Assad and Gaddaffi have tried to raise the consciousness of the Arab people, to help them to evolve. More than likely, this evolution would require a reexamination of Islam, and this reexamination could much more easily be done in the context of a longer timeline, which incorporated pre-Islamic Middle Eastern civilizations.
A note here:
Modern Arabs, for the most part, are not the same racially as their ancient ancestors. Trade routes and African colonization led to mixing with the Blacks, which has obviously led to sharp decline in their general capabilities. They were also invaded and heavily mixed with the Mongols during that invasion.
The ancient people living in the Middle East were probably not all that similar to modern Europeans, though they were more similar to us than most Arabs presently are, as far as intelligence and skin tone.
Basically, these people are all extinct as a distinct racial group, due to the amount of race-mixing which took place in the area over the last 3000 years.
Imagery from the time shows people who slightly resemble Europeans (at least more so than they resemble any other existing race), though with bigger noses and curly hair, slightly more Asiatic eyes.
Currently, historians believe that Sumerians were neither Semitic nor Indo-European. As far as I’m aware, there have been no genetic tests done.
Akkadians are classified as a Semitic group, given their language, and the available busts resemble modern Armenians. Assyrians were also semitic.

Whatever the case, the modern Middle Easterners almost certainly have a shared ancestry with these peoples’, even while that ancestry is also shared with Blacks and Asians, and one can see how connecting with this aspect of their ancestry could help them progress their understanding of their identity as a people, and assist in the formation of a new pan-Arab state.
So, no wonder Jews want to destroy it.
Watch Jew-ISIS destroy ancient sites.