Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2016
The unhinged slut Megyn [sic] Kelly brought on the bloated slob Michael Moore yesterday, ostensibly to share his thoughts on how America could benefit from embracing full-on communism. Many experts feared that the 600-pound glutton would make a move to steal Kelly’s Lucky Charms, however, instead of trying to “redistribute” Megyn’s [sic] snacks, he joined forces with the vicious trollop to attack Our Glorious Leader.

Who would have thought Fox News would ally with Michael Moore to try and double-team The Donald?
I’ll tell you who would have thought it: I would have.
“Conservatives” and “liberals” are both part of the same monstrous status quo, a well-oiled machine of Jewish terrorism, and they are both raging against Trump because he has released all of these cats from their bags.
For the next week, you will be able to visit any sewer pipe and find a mangy rat crawling up out of it with one thing on it’s mind: Stump the Trump.
But it is Trump who shall be doing the stumping.
Indeed, he just stumped Fox News as if it was nothing. As if he was stealing a wheelchair from a crippled child. This most powerful of media outlets has been utterly humiliated, and Trump just shrugs, like “yeah, what of it?”
Note to Irish bros: Don’t catch a feeling here, I’m just messing around. I’m not promoting a Catholic conspiracy. I myself am part Irish, as are most Americans.