Ireland: Anti-Invasionists Clash with Cops Over Planned Invader Center

The Irish are a rowdy bunch

The Irish might surprise you.

They might get rowdy.

They might be the first to throw off the shackles of democracy.

They’re definitely the first to start the fires of liberation.


Fifteen people have appeared at a special court sitting in Dublin following violence during a protest at a site which had been earmarked for asylum seekers.

Some protestors set pallets and construction machinery alight at the former Crown Paints factory in Coolock in north Dublin, resulting in a large fire.

It is understood work was due to begin on the Malahide Road site later in the week.

Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister) Simon Harris described the disturbances as “reprehensible”.

The 15 people who appeared at Dublin District Court on Monday evening were charged with public order offences, including failure to comply with the orders of a garda (police officer) and with threatening or abusive behaviour.

All 15 were released on conditional bail, provided they stay away from the scene of the disorder

They are all due to appear in court again on 18 September.

Another four people who were arrested are due to appear in court on Tuesday morning.

More than 200 gardaí were deployed to the incident.

Three Garda cars were been damaged, one of which was set on fire, Irish broadcaster RTÉ reported.

It said pepper spray was used by police as a security guard and a number of gardaí were injured during clashes with protesters.

Petrol bombs and fireworks were thrown, mattresses were set on fire damaging a JCB and fires were lit on the roads during the disturbances.

Gardaí described the disturbances as a public order incident and the road was closed for a period.

They said officers were “subjected to both verbal and physical abuse throughout the day, which escalated into rocks, fireworks and other objects being launched towards them”.

“A number of fires were lit and official Garda vehicles seriously damaged,” a spokesperson said.

The Irish justice minister said she was “appalled at the criminal behaviour that took place in Coolock”.

Helen McEntee said anybody involved would face “the full rigours of the law”.

There is no law.

Law has to be based on defense of order and safety, and laws designed to promote replacement immigration are based on creating chaos and destruction.

A democracy government is not legitimate.