Ireland: Confused Antifa Protest Foreign Nationalist Meeting

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 11, 2015

Seems like a pretty serious guy.
Seems like a pretty serious guy.

Antifa are now confused about who they are supposed to be protesting. Poles are not Irish, they are a foreign group, so an anti-nationalist group protesting a Polish event in Ireland… I don’t know, maybe it does make sense and it just isn’t clear. I thought the whole thing of Antifa was that you are against your own country, but I guess you are more generally against all White people from all White countries.

Irish Times:

A group of up to 60 anti-racist and anti-fascist protesters gathered outside Jury’s hotel on Ormond Quay on Friday night at about 9pm where it is understood a Polish far-right event took place.

There were reports of scuffles outside the hotel, but a Garda spokeswoman said there were no arrests and no incidents to report.

A protest had been mounted earlier at the Academy Plaza hotel off O’Connell Street where the same event had been due to take place.

Marian Kowalski, a candidate in next month’s Polish presidential election, was due to speak at the Academy Plaza hotel off O’Connell Street.

The group hosting the event, a far-right Polish political movement, Ruch Narodowy, cancelled the event on Thursday, a spokesman for the hotel said.

“They cancelled themselves, saying they were moving to another venue.”

Mr Kowalski, Presidential candidate for Ruch Narodowy (The National Movement) in elections taking place in Poland 10th May, was due to address Poles living in Ireland, at the hotel.

He was also due to address members of the Polish community in Cork on Sunday but the Ambassador Hotel there has cancelled the group’s booking.

A crowd of between 40-50 protesters had gathered outside the Academy Plaza hotel in Dublin on Friday evening.

Gardai at the hotel said the meeting was cancelled and the meeting was not going on inside the hotel and that it was moved to an unnamed location.

Poles living here have a vote in the election and Ruch Narodowy has members across the State with a branch in Cork.

These people are so ridiculous. They do not debate anything. They just attack. No one even knows what their beliefs are.

Clearly, asking them what their beliefs are would be a rhetorical question. They don’t have any beliefs. They are simply stupid kids being used as agents of the Jew to destroy their own countries.

What strikes me is how gay the whole thing is.

