Ireland: Family Told 23-Year-Old Dead 5 Days After the Vax Didn’t Die from the Vax

This sure as hell sounds like a vax death.

But it’s probably nothing.

The Liberal:

The inquest claims the jab had nothing to do with the young man’s death, but his parents believe it is the reason for his death.

At an inquest, the family of a gifted football player who passed just five days after receiving the Covid vaccination stated that they are only trying to find out the facts about what actually happened to him, reports Breaking News.

Roy Butler, of Waterford’s O’Reilly Road, passed away on August 17, 2021, in Cork University Hospital (CUH) after being admitted the day before.

He was moved by ambulance while experiencing jerking fits, seizures, and symptoms similar to a stroke.

Roy’s father, Martin, stated that he was nervous about receiving the Covid injection. On August 12, 2021, the young man had the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) one vaccination.

Mr. Butler said that his son, a “very healthy 23-year-old,” had merely had the vaccination in order to travel to Dubai with his pals.

Roy Butler

Roy “looked shook” when he returned from the drugstore where he had purchased the vaccination, according to Mr. Butler.

On Saturday night, Roy confided in his father that he had had a “bad night.” Still, as assiduous as ever, the young man chose to report to work on Sunday,

Roy got a couple days free on August 16th after finishing his shift work. Roy made the quick decision to head to the gym at 2:30 pm, but he wasn’t home for long. Roy complained, according to Mr. Butler, of feeling ill.

Roy’s illness was quite rare, according to Mr. Butler. The cheerful youth was not the kind to “complain about a headache,” reports Breaking News.

Roy was put to bed by his wife, Angela, he claimed. Roy texted her to come up the stairs within ten minutes. The worried father went on to describe the horrifying sights he saw in his son’s room.

“Roy’s eyes were closed even though he was getting sick, and I kept talking to him to get him to respond. Roy was getting sick as he lay on the bed and in convulsions. Angela rang 999 and got through to the ambulance. It was maybe a half an hour before they arrived. Roy did not improve in this time. He was just jerking/convulsions from side to side,” reports Breaking News.

Everyone appears to be dying from the vax.

Vaxies are so butthurt these days.

They all know they’re just waiting around to die, hoping against hope that they got one of the null shots.

Ireland is not only the most vaxed country in the EU, but also the most boosted one