Ireland: Gang of 40 Negroes Rob, Attack 14-Year-Old White Boy on Street

Yes, 40 negroes against one teen.

And it occurred in a little Irish town with a population of 15,000.

Never underestimate how quickly a nation can become enriched under a homosexual pajeet leader.

The Liberal:

A distraught mother has posted an appeal for witnesses to come forward to gardai after her 14-yr-old son was viciously beaten unconscious by a gang of 40 thugs.

The thugs are said to have been carrying knives and randomly attacked the youngster to steal his phone.

In what’s being described as a sinister and deeply evil attack, the thugs stole the boy’s phone and wallet and then dragged him to a secluded car park on a 3rd storey of a building before inflicting a near-death beating.

The attack took place in Ashbourne, Co. Meath on Friday evening with some of the thugs recording the beating and posting it on Snapchat.

The young victim is currently in hospital where his mother says he has severely injured back, neck, arms and legs. The boy is lucky to be alive.

It’s understood the young boy was just standing outside McDonald’s restaurant, minding his own business, when up to 40 other teenagers approached him and just attacked him.

Gardai did their best when they got there and were forced to use pepper spray on the evil attackers.

One youth was arrested with an investigation launched.