Ireland Gangrape: “Teenage” Boys Rape 14-Year-Old Girl

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
August 14, 2017

I wonder who could have been behind this….

If news about crime – especially rape – is coming from Europe, it’s safe to assume if they say ‘teenagers’ or ‘youths’ and refuse to give the name or pictures of the rapists, they’re not White.

It’s also safe to assume they’re not really teenagers.

Irish Independent:

GardaÍ are investigating whether two young teenage boys are involved in the alleged rape of a 14-year-old girl at a teenage disco.

The two teenagers, who are understood to be roughly the same age as the alleged victim, have not yet been arrested.

The girl said she was raped by the two boys in Co Leitrim on Friday, July 28.

Gardaí have confirmed that a full investigation team has been assembled in Carrick-on-Shannon to investigate the incident, which is reported to have occurred in the grounds of Cartown nightclub.
The alleged incident is understood to have happened outside.

Gardaí are appealing for anyone who was at the event on the night in question between 8pm and midnight to contact them.

The victim is said to have confided in her friend in the aftermath of the attack, who told her own parents and whose mother immediately contacted gardaí.


The important question is why are we allowing young White girls into nightclubs in the first place?

Why are we letting them out in public alone at all?