Ireland: Green Faggot Minister Says They’re Going Ahead with Replacement Immigration Despite Protests

Ireland has had serious and often violent resistance against immigration.

They’ve done a lot of arson. They’ve firebombed police cars. They’ve gone all out.

Part of the situation now is that the rulers of these countries all have helicopters. So even if they push too far, they still don’t really risk the wrath of the mob. Unless the mob were to go international and start hunting these people down and forcing them to pay for their crimes, of course.

But right now, the Irish government can just keep pushing, safe in the knowledge that if the lads do go too far, and really start burning the bitch down, they can be in helicopters filled with cash in a matter of minutes.

Irish Times:

Plans to use two properties in Coolock, Dublin and Dundrum, Co Tipperary to accommodate asylum seekers will proceed notwithstanding continuing local opposition, Minister for Integration Roderic O’Gorman has said.

There have been a series of arson attacks, protests and violent incidents at the former Crown Paints plant in Coolock this month, with three gardaí injured during clashes at the site.

A protest against Dundrum House Hotel in Co Tipperary being used to house International Protection Applicants has been ongoing since May. A group gave notice earlier this week of their intention to seek a High Court injunction preventing the department from using the hotel to accommodate asylum seekers.

Reminder: there are no good faggots. [Editor’s Note: Except Glenn Greenwald. Who is also, coincidentally, the only good Jew.]

Mr O’Gorman, the Green Party leader, on Wednesday insisted that his department plans to use the hotel premises in Dundrum village for International Protection accommodation for almost 300 people.

“It has been accommodating around 280 Ukrainian families over the last year or so. There will be an equivalent number of International Protection Applicants, so there won’t be any increase,” he said.

In relation to the Coolock site, where there are plans to house up to 500 such applicants, Mr O’Gorman said his department would also press ahead.

“It’s still our intention to use that site for International Protection families and to continue to advance that,” he said. “The Northside Partnership has a proposal in terms of a wider community engagement. I am very happy to engage in that process and have been in regular contact with the Northside Partnership.”

Doesn’t this kind of language just make people angrier?

“Happy to engage in that process… but regardless of whatever kind of process, you’re still going to be buried under a mountain of brown people, lol.”

This political language is intended to emotionally neutralize people. But at this point, people have to hear “happy to engage in that process” and say “aw, feck roit uff, wanka.”