Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 1, 2015

A Jew living in Ireland survived the fake Jewish Holocaust, and because of this, he is demanding the Irish be punished for the deeds of Adolf Hitler. Deeds which were committed in his mind.
The punishment?
Thousands of ISIS terrorists and violent gang-rapists flooding the streets.
Jewish justice.
A Holocaust survivor living in Dublin has called on the government to re-home 10,000 refugees displaced by the crises in Syria and the Middle East.
Tomi Reichental was just nine years old when he was sent to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.
He says the images of refugees risking their lives as they flee war-torn areas reminds him of what happened to the Jewish community in the lead up to World War II.
“We have to learn from the past, but we don’t seem to. The current refugee situation is history repeating itself. In the 1930s, when many Jewish people wanted to escape others in Europe would not let them in – now it is happening with the refugees,” he said.
Mr Reichental said he hoped his adopted home of Ireland, where he has lived for the past 55 years, would help refugees who had been left without hope.“I think Ireland will do the correct thing. I think we should take in 10,000 refugees.
“That would be a huge number of people for a country like ours, but I think we have to do it – we have to help.
“Before the war nobody would take us in and then the Holocaust happened,” he added.
No it didn’t happen.
Where is the evidence, Schlomo?
The piles of shoes in your mind?
He said he only began speaking about his experiences 11 years ago.
“I only started to talk about it 11 years ago and now they can’t stop me.
“It is partly because I don’t want people to forget the Holocaust and also because racism and bigotry are such a problem once again,” he added.
Not only can they not stop you from talking about it, they can stop anyone who is like “what, this is retarded, lampshades and soap are you serious? And there is no physical evidence of homicidal gas chambers?”

The nerve of these Jews.
In 1944 at age nine, he was captured by the Gestapo in Bratislava and deported to Bergen Belsen concentration camp with his mother, grandmother, brother, aunt and cousin. It was liberated in April 1945.
Recounting the sights and smells at the concentration camp he said: “Typhoid and diphtheria were the biggest killers, but people were dying of starvation and cold in their hundreds.
Well, at least he was honest about that part.
I guess the implication is that Germans bombed their own supply lines?
The Jews coming out and demanding this invasion in the name of the Holocaust simply goes to prove my continued assertion: the Holocaust is the foundational myth of the modern liberal egalitarian society. If we collapse the Holocaust narrative, the whole house of cards comes tumbling down.
The Holocaust is not only what got Jews their status of unquestionable pillars of goodness and morality, it also was the basis for shutting down the scientific study of race. The theory is that if Whites study race, or even accept that it exists, they will start gassing people. Of course, we will do no such thing. However, we will do deportations.
I tell you truly, brothers, you must abolish this Holocaust mythology. Continue to spam the tubes with holotruth, relentlessly. All of the evidence is already known, it is merely a matter of breaking down the psychological mechanisms in people’s minds which tell them they are evil if they ask questions about this idiotic hoax.
Also, just keep spamming Eric Hunt and telling him to make more documentaries.