Ireland: Moslem Raped Retarded Girl

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
March 14, 2018

Faisal Ellahi.

It’s his culture.

Irish Examiner:

A man jailed for 13 years for raping a young woman with Down syndrome is seeking an extension of time to bring an appeal against his conviction and sentence.

Faisal Ellahi, originally from Haripur in Pakistan, had pleaded not guilty to rape, sexual assault and having sex with a mentally impaired person at his home in Dublin on June 12, 2013.

A jury at the Central Criminal Court convicted him of the rape and sexual assault charge.

Sentencing him to 13 years imprisonment in March 2016, Mr Justice Tony Hunt said the “frightening, appalling, disgusting and depraved” offence committed by Ellahi had “demolished” years of work in helping the woman lead an independent life.