Daily Stormer
February 10, 2015

How is it that Ireland has made it this far without specific laws to protect the innocent welfare migrants in their country from the hate-filled local population of evil racists?
Irish Independent:
Specific offences and longer sentences must be created to cover the glaring absence of hate crime in Irish law, academics have said.
The University of Limerick said new legislation on the worsening phenomenon is long overdue and tougher penalties should be introduced to punish the motivation for racist and prejudicial attacks.
Law and sociology experts said parliament needs to send out a strong statement that any crime committed out of a hate is dealt with more severely.
Senator Ivana Bacik, who launched the report, said the research has exposed the limitations of Irish law.
“The report shows that the current legal regime is incapable of addressing hate crime, and that legislative change is required,” she said.
Some 93 racially motivated crimes were officially recorded last year including seven assaults causing harm, 16 minor assaults and 44 public order offences.
The total number of race related incidents reported by the Garda fluctuates from 64 in 2003 to a peak of 217 in 2007 in the 10 years to 2013 when the statistics have been recorded.
The report claimed the justice system’s response to hate crime is haphazard at best with the response of gardai, public prosecutors and courts dependent on the individuals because of what is says is a lack of clear policy.
The researchers found no requirement on judges to impose harsher penalties for racist incidents even if the prejudice has been confirmed
They warned that the recording of hate crimes by the Garda is unsystematic with figures on the Pulse system unrepresentative of the reality as the force only classes a minority of the groups which are frequently subjected to abuse.
UL called for the Government to amend incitement to hatred legislation and enact new laws covering assault, criminal damage, harassment and public order aggravated by hostility.
The report, A Life Free from Fear – Legislating For Hate Crime In Ireland: An NGO Perspective, warned that economic recession offers fertile ground for hate crime.
Fourteen NGOs working with people with disabilities, ethnic and religious minorities, travellers, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities and prisoners were surveyed on the issue of hate crime.
They identified incidents including physical violence, sexual and verbal abuse and harassment.
All the groups said Ireland needs to prioritise action on hate crime and only one charity, which was not named, said hate crime was not a specific issue of concern.
Ireland needs to do everything it can to protect its vibrant diversity, or it cannot possibly survive. Diversity is what makes Ireland so strong. Without Negroes and Moslems, Ireland couldn’t possibly even exist, let alone thrive as it does.