Ireland: Publisher Apologizes for Book Attacking Normal Irish People, Promoting Race Mixing

You can click on the image to enlarge it, but a real man would just squint his eyes and read it like it is

The Irish government is backing down as the people are on the verge of getting very rowdy.

Conor is now saying he’s going to seize control of the government, as Andrew Anglin advised him to do several months ago.

The rats are in route…!

The Journal:

An activity in an SPHE textbook that showed an ‘exaggerated’ view on diversity is set to be removed following backlash.

Publisher Edco has apologised for the inclusion of the exercise, which it says was designed to help students understand the importance of diversity.

The pages in question are included in the book Health and Wellbeing, a text book for the SPHE syllabus.

SPHE stands for Social, Personal, Health Education, and the curriculum aims to help young people develop life skills.

In an exercise showing two families, one family is a ‘stereotypically Irish family’ that doesn’t interact with anyone or anything not from Ireland. The illustration shows them wearing woolen jumpers and living in a thatched cottage.

The text says they only play traditionally Irish musical instruments and sports, but “no foreign games”. It also says they believe that mixing with other religions or cultures “would be a bad influence”.

In contrast, the second family says they “love change and difference”. They eat curry, pizza and Asian food and go on camping holidays in Europe. A son in the family is a volunteer with the Red Cross in Syria and the daughter studied abroad in France.

Photos of the pages in the textbook were shared online and garnered significant criticism in recent days.

In a statement, Edco said: “We would like to say that we welcome the public’s interest in this issue and the whole area of SPHE.

“Following the students’ introduction to the Equal Status Acts, the activity uses exaggeration and hyperbole to convey the nature and effects of inclusion and bias.

“On closer inspection,” they continued, “we now appreciate that our approach should have been different and accept that it has caused upset and anger, even though this was not our intention.

“We have taken the decision to replace this activity and we apologise for any hurt caused.”

Yeah, well.

We’re going to need a lot more than an apology for this weird shit.

This is some of the weirdest shit I’ve seen.

The time for apologies is long past.