Ireland: The Boys Are Back In Town! Bombs, Motherfucker!

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
March 15, 2019

It’s honestly refreshing to see White terrorists again. I didn’t think that Whites had it in them anymore.

Sky News:

A group calling itself the IRA says it was behind the parcel bombs sent to three London transport hubs and the University of Glasgow last week, according to police.

Officers say the group claimed five devices were sent but only four have been found so far.

Police Scotland and the Metropolitan Police have said the claim was received by a Northern Ireland media outlet using a recognised codeword.

The forces said in a joint statement it was allegedly made “on behalf of the IRA”. 

It remains to be seen whether this is the “New IRA” or the “Nu-IRA.”

The New IRA will cleanse the Emerald Isle of all invader filth once and for all, convene a moot at the Hill of Tara to appoint a new High King and then begin sending volunteer brigades to help their beleaguered Celtic brothers in Gaul.

The “Nu-IRA” will be an Antifa-like organization fighting the UK and the Irish government because they’re not being Marxist and accepting enough of immigrants and fags.

Time will tell which direction this latest incarnation of the IRA will go. 

And yes, let’s talk about the whole Irish vs English controversy.

All I can say is, I have more respect for a people that does have its own terrorist gang than for a people that doesn’t.

Oh, you don’t have a national terrorist organization? 

While I am staunchly anti-terrorism and would never partake in or encourage others to partake in or condone terrorism, I would be able to stand back as an analyst, look at the situation objectively, and conclude that if I was an Irishman, I stood to benefit from the existence of the IRA because other people would automatically have more respect for me.

This is a concept that lolbergs and other individualists struggle with, but it’s worth explaining.

One of the (many) reasons that I cringe when I see homosexuals of my race and my nation prancing around and being all gay in public is because I know that their behavior will reflect on me and other races’ perception of my race. This means that in a future altercation, a brown person might try to either attack me, disrespect me or just fuck with me because he thinks that people of my race are weak and won’t do anything about it. I am affected by what other people in my ethnic group do, whether I approve of it or not.

However, when a member of my ethnicity decides to do something crazy and dangerous and alpha, I never get mad. Even if I disagree with what he did and would never do it myself, I adopt more of a “shine on, you crazy diamond” attitude. Because I know that his act of alphatude will reflect well on me and people that look/talk/come from the same part of the world as me.

Let’s be real here: Ireland was on the verge of becoming really really gay really really fast.

The timing of the New IRA is really just impeccable.

All I really want is for the New IRA to salvage Ireland’s PR image abroad and return that gritty, street-fighter/rock star perception to the good and deserving people of the Emerald Isle and by extension, all White people.

God knows we need that PR boost right now.