Irish Nationalists Fix Ads for Jewniversity Exhibit Attacking European Folklore

Phoenix Rising
Daily Stormer
December 20, 2014

Trinity College Dublin is the base of operations for Israeli born Jewess Ronit Lentin, Ireland’s leading architect of spreading multiculturalism and mass immigration into Ireland.

The Irish ethno-nationalist activist organization “Phoenix Rising,” the group responsible for the massive anti-Jew graffiti attack on the central bank of Ireland, have carried out another spray-strike.

On December 18, they hit a symbolically important target: banners advertising a “Blood exhibition” held in Trinity College Dublin. The banner was on the main street of the university, the base of Israeli born Jewess Ronit Lentin, who is agitating for the destruction of Irish ethnicity.

The art exhibition, which “examines blood,” contains many elements designed to mock European history as evil and racist from the Jew perspective.  The nationalists made it say “Irish Blood and soil: 8000 BC to 2050 AD?” This references the projection that the Irish will be a minority in their own country by the year 2050.

“I propose an interrogation of how the Irish nation can become other than white (Christian and settled), by privileging the voices of the racialized and subverting state immigration but also integration policies. Stage one of such interrogation would be to do all we can to defeat the citizenship referendum on June 11.” -Jew Ronit Lentin

The exhibition has exhibits about Nazi blood purity and how German fairy-stories incorporated the same purity themes, stating that while this may have it’s contribution to blood policies.  The piece is a critique of European ethnic culture as a whole, pointing out how other European fairy-stories had been more gruesome.

There is also included a sick video of Germans humiliating themselves in a bizarre fashion (backed up by flimsy principles of modern art), which no doubt gets the Jews rocks off.

Phoenix Rising carried out this truthgraf operation, calling it “Irish Blood & Soil – 8,000 B.C to 2050AD?”