Irish to be a Minority in Ireland by 2050

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 22, 2015

The new Irish economic revolution begins here.
The new Irish economic revolution begins here.

It won’t even be a problem, you paranoid racists.

What difference could it possibly make? You’ll just be a little bit browner, and live under Sharia law, and all your girls will be trafficked.

Anyway, you need this for your economy. It is the only way your economy will stay profitable.

Only hatred could oppose it.

Irish Times:

Ireland’s native population could be in a minority by the middle of this century, the president of Dublin City University (DCU) will claim today. But large-scale immigration is still essential if we are to remain prosperous, Prof Ferdinand von Prondzynski will say.

Unpublished UK-based research, which he does not identify, has indicated that by 2050, Ireland’s population will consist of a multicultural and multiethnic mix in which the indigenous Irish will form a minority.

He says this is based on some demographic projections which also suggest that people of Chinese origin may form the largest of the new ethnic groups.

“Whether this turns out to be an accurate prediction or not, we have to prepare for a very different kind of society,” he says.

Different? Because of a racial difference?

Sounds racist.

Irish racists would rather starve to death in an all White country than let these colorfuls benefit them.
Irish racists would rather starve to death in an all White country than let these colorfuls benefit them.

What makes you think just because the historic population is replaced with Moslems and Asians that something will change, professor?

“It needs to be a planned process to ensure our skills needs are being met . . . a very substantial increase in population will be needed over a long period of time.

“And I don’t think people have quite realised this yet.”

Yes, you’re correct there. In order to sustain a good economy, Ireland needs millions of brown people living on welfare, and for all their shops and other businesses to be owned by yellow Asians.

Giving these Black Africans a taxpayer funded mansion will increase the economy.
Giving these Black Africans a taxpayer funded mansion will increase the economy.
Increasing these Blacks' weekly allowance will lead to national prosperity.
Increasing these Blacks’ weekly allowance will lead to national prosperity.
Paying for unlimited numbers of foreign children is a recipe for economic success.
Paying for unlimited numbers of foreign children is a recipe for economic success.
This boy may be the next great Irish genius. Ireland may finally be capable of mining Mars will folks like this on board with #ProjectIreland
This boy may be the next great Irish genius. Ireland may finally be capable of mining Mars will folks like this on board with #ProjectIreland
This may make you uncomfortable, but you have to understand: without these Blacks, you will literally starve to death because of a bad economy.
This may make you uncomfortable, but you have to understand: without these Blacks, you will literally starve to death because of a bad economy.

It is a basic mathematical equation.

In a speech to be delivered at a conferring ceremony in DCU later today, Prof von Prondzynski will also argue that any attempt to stop migration here will lead to a significant decline in the Irish economy, and a return to Ireland’s peripheral status in Europe.

This is because a major population expansion is needed for the next wave of economic growth.

Universities have a particular obligation to prepare the country for the increasingly multicultural nature of Irish society, he believes.

Inter-cultural studies and research should be prioritised, while care needs to be taken to ensure the “new Irish” gain equal access to higher education.

Sometimes stupid goyim have a hard time understanding how more people doesn’t mean less resources for each individual. Well, it does mean that. But the economy is only good when more people are buying more things.

The best thing for any economy is millions of Blacks.

The new Ireland will be an economic powerhouse like... Detroit...
The new Ireland will be an economic powerhouse like… Detroit…

In Africa, they are breeding very quickly, and they have some of the best economies in the world because of it.

This is the final solution to the Irish economy. Without these Blacks, you will all starve for some reason, because the economy will be so poor somehow.

Simple. Common. Sense.