Iron Gina Finally Confirmed as CIA Chief

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 18, 2018

Great point, nigger.

I still think they should have made her Attorney General so she could torture immigrants.


Gina Haspel is the new director of the CIA, after getting confirmed in the US Senate. Several Democrats crossed the aisle and gave her the green light, despite objecting to Haspel’s role in the CIA’s torture program.

The final vote was 53 in favor and 45 opposed.

Haspel’s road to the confirmation was intense, with the Senate Intelligence Committee grilling her about running a controversial black site in Thailand during the era of extraordinary renditions and enhanced interrogation of suspected terrorists under President George W. Bush. She was also asked about a her role in destroying some 90 tapes evidencing torture of detainees.

Yet, probably understanding she needs to win the lawmakers, Haspel promised to be good in the future. She wrote a letter to the committee’s ranking member, Senator Mark Warner (D-Virginia), in which she said she wouldn’t torture again, and said the CIA should not have carried out its torture program.

I don’t really give a shit about torturing Moslems, or anyone really.

I mean, it’s obviously distasteful, but whatever – it’s happened for a very long time and isn’t going to stop happening soon.

The part that frustrates me is that ZOG claims this moral authority over the whole world, while invading countries, slaughtering people, sending them to torture black sites. It’s just all so dishonest and slimy to talk about a “moral imperative” to fight Russia or Assad or sanction Uganda for banning gay rights while being the masters of torture.

Anyway – separate issue. The real issue is that this woman has bipartisan support, which means she must be awful. I think it’s likely that the whole torture hysteria was to distract from how horrible she is in other areas.

And let’s be real here: all women with political ambition are psychotic and deranged.

She is childless, by the way.

No big surprise there.