Is Bradley Manning Putin’s Very Own Tranny?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 16, 2018

Well folks, it looks like we’ve got another case of a Putinist infiltrationist – this time it’s a deranged tranny.


Anti-Russia conspiracy theorists have developed another outlandish claim, stating that Moscow is behind Chelsea Manning’s Senate bid, since she’s taking on an incumbent who is against so-called “Russian aggression.”

US whistleblower Chelsea Manning confirmed her bid for a Senate seat for the state of Maryland on Sunday, releasing a campaign video alongside a tweet which simply stated: “Yup, we’re running for Senate.”

Manning says she’s running because “we need someone willing to fight… we need to stop expecting that our systems will somehow fix themselves.” But that reason seems too straightforward for those who apparently believe that everything related to US politics is somehow tied to Russia.

Taking to Twitter on Saturday, foreign policy and strategy consultant Molly McKew called Manning’s decision to run “a little too convenient,” noting that she is running against Senator Ben Cardin, who is “one of [the] most active senators on foreign policy and [a] leader in making policy/legislation to respond to Russian aggression.”

Honestly, I feel bad for Brad.

It’s rather clear that his trannyism is a result of having been tortured in prison.

But when you consider that he was tortured to the point of losing his mind completely, then let out by Obama, and now running for Senate… you would think it was more likely that he is an agent of the CIA than an agent of the Kremlin. I mean, if you’re so deep in a guy’s head you can convince him he is the opposite gender, you can convince him to do anything (without knowing it, of course – Manchurian Candidate type stuff we’re talking here).

And, if I were the CIA running such a plot, I would probably make him look like a Russian shill.

In all honesty here, he is probably going to win.

So it’s definitely something to keep an eye on. I don’t know what is going on, and it could be just an insane person looking to draw yet more attention to himself, but it is a bizarre development.