Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 24, 2014

Ebola is officially the most politicized disease since AIDS, as thus far not a single individual has suggested what would to any thinking man be the immediate and obvious response to the African epidemic: quarantine them. Because it would be racist to tell Africans they have to stay in Africa simply because they are infected with a deadly contagious disease.
So, instead of dealing with the outbreak, we are instead left to sit around wondering how long it will take for it to mutate, come to White countries and kill us all.
The longer the Ebola outbreak rages, the more likely it is that the disease will mutate into an even more dangerous form. Scott Gottlieb, who served as a top FDA official under President George W. Bush, believes that at least several cases of Ebola will come to America, and has warned that there’s even a chance that the disease could go airborne.
But there are signs of hope, even in West Africa. As David Kroll — who has so ably tracked the Ebola outbreak for Forbes — reported yesterday, nearby Nigeria has been able to remain free from Ebola. At Vox, Brad Plumer has reviewed the evidence of Ebola going airborne, and finds that the odds are “very unlikely.”
Government officials also continue to stress that there’s little chance of a mass Ebola outbreak in the United States, a point that the NIH’s Anthony Fauci reiterated to Congress last week. And even if a few Ebola patients arrive in the U.S., the nation’s hospitals would be well-equipped to handle them.
“Controlling Ebola is not a very sophisticated task,” Dr. Amesh Adalja, a biosecurity specialist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, told The Hill last week. “Ebola outbreaks are stopped in their tracks when basic public health measures are in place … and the United States would not be a hospitable environment for something that spreads exclusively through blood and body fluids.”
Writing in the Advisory Board Daily Briefing, we’ve tracked the Ebola epidemic’s spread pretty closely, from covering the early outbreak in Guinea to creating a timeline of how the deadliest Ebola epidemic in history has spread.
Earlier this month, researchers estimated that there was up to an 18% chance that at least one case of Ebola would arrive in the United States by September 22. (Not counting the four health workers intentionally brought to the U.S. for treatment.)
As of press time on September 23, the number of Ebola cases in the United States remained at zero.
Ebola is clearly a natural phenomenon, God and/or Mother Nature coming forward to deal with Africa’s population problem. Instead of letting nature take its course, and fixing the problems of Africa, White people have against taking to meddling where they don’t belong, trying to help the poor dumb savages out of the pathological altruistic drive, and this may ultimately lead to our annhilation at the hands of an airborne super-virus.
Then again, maybe it won’t be that bad. I’m not a scientist, so I really have no way of holding a serious opinion on the matter. I can simply say that from what I’ve read, it looks like the whole world has got a long hard road ahead of them, thanks to the Jews and their liberal lackeys who believe that Blacks should spread their culture of rape, murder and deadly disease around the entire globe.