Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 24, 2015

Pokémon is responsible for hundreds of murders, according to the SPLC.
Pikachu speech is not free speech, and we need to start shutting it down.
On Thursday, hundreds of Pokemon players from around the globe began arriving to the Hynes Convention Center in Boston for the game’s annual World Championship. There were grand masters from Mexico, senior champions from Chile and a junior Pokemon prodigy from Portugal — all competing for a first prize of $25,000.
Each brought with them their own armada of cards: paper armies of fictional creatures with names like Blastoise and Charmander, Jigglypuff and Pikachu.
Two contestants, however, showed up packing a much more potent type of arsenal.
Kevin Norton and James Stumbo had driven cross-country from Iowa to participate in the Pokemon tournament. According to Boston Police, the disgruntled gamers had threatened online to kill fellow contestants and had packed accordingly.
Their secret weapons weren’t adorable cartoons but rather real, secret weapons: a 12-gauge Remington shotgun, an AR-15 assault rifle, scores of bullets and a hunting knife nearly a foot in length, all stored in the trunk of their car.
On Saturday, cops arrested the men after receiving a tip from tournament security, searching their car and seizing the weapons. Norton, 18, and Stumbo, 27, did not have the proper licenses, cops said, and have been charged with unlawful possession of both a firearm and ammunition.

I think we need to get Duane Pohlman to see what Pikachu’s mother has to say about this.
I also think Anonymous should ddos Pokémon websites, that the FBI should investigate Pikachu, Blastoise and the whole gang, and that upstream providers should shut off service to Pokemon websites.

In Germany, you can already go to prison for saying “Ash did nothing wrong by enslaving the Pokemon.” America is behind the curve in refusing to address the Pokemon problem.
Typical American barbarism.