Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 10, 2015

Obama and the gaggle of Jew terrorists he rolls with have done quite a number on Russia. They have stolen her territories, they have slaughtered her people, they have shot down passenger jets and blamed it on her, they have funded social upheaval within her borders, they have sanctioned her to the point of total economic freefall, and yet all her Czar has done is make this face:

The entire Russia vs. The West scenario is reminiscent of the basement scene in Fight Club (contains harsh language):
It is not simply Putin, but the greater majority of Russia which is resolutely against the imperialism of the West. Even as the economy collapses around them, the people rally round their leader, who they accurately see as a manifestation of the popular consciousness.
Obama, Merkel, Hollande and the rest of these snakes working for their Jew masters think they can bully Russia into submission with continual blows, but the resolve does not waver.
With every step, we see shock from these people that Russia is not backing down. Instead of backing off, regrouping and developing a new strategy, they continue forward along this same path which has worked before, but won’t work with Russia.
Because they don’t know where she’s been.
The Final Phase
Currently, there are more joke peace talks going on, with the West going to Russia and being like “look, here’s the deal Ivan, we want you to stop this and in exchange, we are going to give you absolutely nothing.”
There is simply no chance it will work. The Minsk Protocol did not work, because the Kiev Jew Coup Maidan continued to slaughter civilians in the demilitarized zone. The idea of signing another similar agreement is, for obvious reasons, looked at as dumb by basically everyone in the world save Angela Merkel.
So, there are two places this can go:
A.) The West can surrender Donbass to the people who live there, or
B.) the West can escalate this crisis to full-on war with Russia
As option “A” has been declared off the table, point blank, it seems to me option “B” is inevitable.
And yesterday, Obama came out and admitted as much.
President Barack Obama says the US is studying the option of supplying lethal defensive arms to Ukraine if diplomacy fails to end the crisis in the east.
Russia had violated “every commitment” made in the failing Minsk agreement, he added, after talks with the German chancellor on a new peace deal.
Mr Obama has come under pressure from senior US officials to supply arms, despite objections from Angela Merkel.
Mrs Merkel met the US president in Washington on Monday to update him on Franco-German efforts to revive last year’s Minsk peace plan, which collapsed amid fighting over the winter.
The detailed proposals have not been released but the plan is thought to include a demilitarised zone of 50-70km (31-44 miles) around the current front line.
Four-way talks between Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France are due to be held in Belarus’s capital Minsk on Wednesday to discuss the proposals.
Speaking alongside the German chancellor, President Obama said the option of lethal defensive weapons for the Ukrainian government remained on the table.
“If, in fact, diplomacy fails, what I’ve asked my team to do is to look at all options,” he said, adding that offering lethal arms was only one of the options under consideration.
Mrs Merkel, who has made it clear she opposes sending lethal arms, acknowledged setbacks in efforts to reach a diplomatic solution with Russia over Ukraine, but said that they would continue.
And today Kerry is in Kiev, giving his Jew brethren shekels and presumably talking about plans for the coming escalation.

US Secretary of State John Kerry, who is in Ukraine to discuss Kiev’s plea for weapons, laid all of the blame for the conflict’s escalation on Russia, and disregarded Kiev’s intensified assault on rebel-held areas.
On Thursday, the White House admitted that possible military assistance from the US to Ukraine could increase bloodshed in the region. Earlier in the day, Kerry said Washington preferred a diplomatic solution to the conflict and argued “Russian aggression” was the greatest threat to Ukraine.
Following his meeting with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Kerry told journalists it was impossible to ignore “tanks crossing the border from Russia” and “Russian fighters in unmarked uniforms crossing the border, and leading individual companies of so-called separatists in battle.”
Russia has long rejected allegations of its troops being engaged in the eastern Ukraine conflict.
“I say it every time: if you are so sure in stating that, confirm it with facts. But no one can or wants to provide them,” Russian Foreign Minister said in January.
Kerry has urged the Russians to comply with the Minsk peace agreements signed in September and said the rebel fighters were to pull their heavy artillery from the areas where civilians could be affected. He neglected to mention Kiev’s compliance with the peace agreements, and the heavy weapons used by the government troops.
The Secretary of State pointed out that the Minsk ceasefire agreements are being increasingly violated and also recalled Kiev’s commitments to a promised special status for the troubled regions. “The special status law is currently on the books,” Kerry said, referring to his conversations with President Poroshenko.
What that means is that the US will not simply be sending futuristic weapons for the Maidan to use to slaughter civilians, but also contingencies of American special forces and Blackwater-types, ostensibly to train the Ukrainians how to use the weapons. In practical terms, these men will take control of the operation.
In other words, we will have open war between the United States and Russia, over a small portion of a wholly worthless, desolate Eastern European country.
How did We get Here?
Clearly, the present situation was not part of the scenario envisioned by Victoria Nuland and her ethnic counterparts in the Ukraine. The plan was to throw a revolution, steal the Ukraine, and use it as a military base against Russia.
Instead of backing down, however, Putin was like “you know what, I’m gonna go ahead and keep the best part of the country, because I like having control of the Black Sea.” And he just kept Crimea, making the entire West look like a bunch of feeble bitches.
Then, a portion of the Eastern Ukraine said “you know, we don’t really want to be forced into debt slavery by a bunch of foreign Jewish terrorists and banks. We want that deal Crimea got.” And the West decided to draw a red line – or rather, attempt to draw one. It had more to do with saving face than anything else.

Now, they have pushed it so far that it is impossible to back down without demonstrating that the power center of the world basically has lost the ability to assert itself in the world. That’s why they can’t say “okay, we’re gonna draw the border at Donetsk airport, and then we’re gonna build military bases all along that border. We’re walking away with three quarters of your base.”
Next Phase
If Putin was going to back down, he would have already. So, it is just a fact that if the US escalates, he’s going to escalate to meet them.
Then, no one knows what happens. I’m not going to predict a nuclear war or anything like that, and I don’t think there is very much chance at all it will happen.
What we will probably have instead is a more obvious version of what we have now, which is a series of proxy wars between Russia and the Jew-controlled West. Putin will probably up the support for Shiite Moslems in the Middle East, because an Assad victory would be a Putin victory. As I have said, I also predict that any time a situation could pop up in Moldovia.

Putin is playing the long game, and everyone with any sense knows the West is collapsing internally, due to the abandonment of the values that Russia still embodies. And that has, of course, led to extreme economic instability.
Putin has taken the path of supporting “far-right” political parties across Europe, and this creates a whole other dimension to the conflict. If Le Pen takes France, we are no longer going to be hearing about “Franco-German” run alliances against Russia. Nigel Farage has also expressed some form of sympathy for Putin, and is definitely opposed to these wars, so his rising influence will also continue to cause problems for the West and their attempt at creating a monolithic alliance against the Big Bad Bear.
Everything That Happens Happens Because of Money
Economics is what drives all global happenings. And this war is costing everyone money. Russia’s currency is half of what it was when this began, and the Ukraine’s currency was recently halved (which is obviously going to cause the people in the West of the Ukraine to be less enthusiastic about the terrorist actions of their Jewish government).

It is also costing the West a lot of money.
The EU has suffered 21 billion euros in lost exports as a result of sanctions against Russia over Ukraine, Spain’s foreign minister said Monday as he met his counterparts to discuss further measures.
“Sanctions have had a heavy cost for us all, the EU has so far lost 21 billion euros ($23.7 billion). In Spain we have been badly hit in terms of agriculture and tourism,” said Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo, giving the first figure of its kind for the EU.
If it becomes more obvious that this insane operation is causing economic turmoil for Europeans, it will be that much more difficult for the West to convince people this is somehow a good idea, and it will also further drive support toward the right-wing parties opposed to these operations (note that left-wing alternative parties are also largely against this, with both Greece’s Syriza and the Spanish equivalent speaking against it).
Strange Days
No one knows where this is going to go, but it has finally gotten serious.
I have been, and will continue to be, favoring Putin as a representative of European values against the Western system of death and decay, despite his perceived and real flaws as a leader.
And I hope that God holds the same position, for the Age of Greatest Turmoil is now upon us.