Is Satan Responsible for This Sinkhole? Or is God Punishing Trump for Hiring John Bolton?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 23, 2018

I’m willing at accept at face value the premise that the White House sinkhole is the result of some manner of supernatural phenomenon.

However: which side is responsible?

The Devil or God?

Washington Post:

For all the concern over leaks at the White House, a more pressing problem might be the sinkhole on the North Lawn that appears to be growing by the day.

The pit in the ground, which was first reported by White House correspondents on site this week, appears to have opened just outside the press briefing room and deputy White House press secretary Hogan Gidley’s office.

Steve Herman, a reporter with Voice of America, tweeted that he first spotted the sinkhole last week. It has since grown, and another sinkhole has opened next to it.


Sinkholes, which have been known to swallow streetscars and even homes, tend to occur when rainwater seeps into the soil and loosens the sediment enough to send it sinking into crevices beneath the surface.

It was not clear what caused the emergence of the White House sinkholes.

As of Tuesday afternoon, groundskeepers had placed orange cones and caution tape around the spot on the lawn. But they couldn’t do anything to keep the Internet at bay.

By midafternoon, the sinkhole had its own following self-described as #TeamSinkhole, and of course, its own Twitter account.

Clever stuff.

However, the God or Satan question interests me most.

Satan could be doing this as revenge for Trump taking on the FBI, DOJ and CIA and getting ready to expose… #Pizzagate…

Or it could be God damning John Bolton.

Because the metaphysical metaphor of Trump sinking into the swamp he promised to drain with this kikesucking lunatic is very clever, and the type of humor I tend to ascribe to God himself.