[Note: Following six million tears in the comments section about how I called this woman White when she is actually Jewish, it turns out she actually is Jewish. However, that information was not previously available, and expecting me to know a Jewish woman just by looking at her in every case is unreasonable Assuming a White-looking Jew is White is the policy on the site, as that works a lot better than simply claiming that everyone who maybe looks a little Jewish is Jewish. Although admittedly, the woman’s name should have given it away, so this one is on me. –AA]
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 2, 2014
The unfunny comedy website Funny or Die has produced a parody of the viral video of a White woman getting harassed by colored people on the street featuring a White man.
The original video featured clips from an alleged 10 hour walk down the streets of New York, wherein she is repeatedly catcalled and followed by Black and otherwise non-White men. Intended to be some type of condemnation of men in general, it came across very much as a condemnation of non-White men in particular, and has thus caused serious drama in SJW circles, where they were already having increasingly massive problems trying to reconcile feminism with support for non-Whites.
The company that produced the video said that she was harassed by White men also, but that they edited those parts out. They have failed to explain why they would do that, or present the footage of the White men harassing her, but this is unnecessary, given that everyone already knows White men don’t harass girls on the streets.
Also worth mentioning is that the video implied that even saying hello or good morning to the girl was a form of harassment, which is weird. Again, it was all non-White men doing it, and I don’t personally think that non-White men should be talking to White women at all, but obviously the SJWs who made the video don’t have a problem with race-mixing, so that they define saying “good morning” to a woman on the street as harassment is bizarre.
Overall, the whole spectacle has been very interesting from a meta-sociological perspective.
In case anyone missed it, here is is.
Having nearly 30 million views, it was ripe for parody.
The FoD attempt is categorically unfunny. However, it is interesting to consider what it is actually trying to say – is it supporting the theory of White privilege, or mocking it?
The concept is that while the White man walks through the streets of New York, he is showered with gifts and kind words. It ends with several people picking him up and carrying him down the sidewalk on a throne, then gives the following message:

As all White males are keenly aware, no such things take place when you are walking down the street in a major American city. What actually happens is something almost identical to what happens to the White woman in the original video, simply without the sexual undertones: you get harassed and menaced by non-White people.
Thus, as a White man watching this video, I get the distinct impression it is mocking the theory of “White Privilege,” given that all White men are aware that it doesn’t actually exist, with White men facing more challenges in real life than literally every other group of people.
However, it appears that the video’s lead writer was a woman, Melinda Taub, indicating that it is actually intended to present White men as having privilege, and is thus not even actual satire but mere mockery. Once again, we have encountered Poe’s Law in the realm of the social justice movement.
While White men are continually condemned for commenting on the issues of women and non-Whites, women and non-Whites (Jews in particular) are allowed to openly define what it means to be a White male. For their part, the majority of White men are now so beaten down and pathetic that they simply accept this fantasy portrayal of us as reality, rather than believe their own lying eyes.