Daily Stormer
February 12, 2014

Vanity Fair‘s annual Hollywood issue always includes an elaborate photo spread featuring some of the movie industry’s most famous and glamorous stars. Given that the White race is universally recognized as being the most attractive, this photo spread has inevitably featured a high percentage of White actors and actresses.
This natural preference for White beauty has enraged the forces of multiculturalism, and the Jew-controlled media has issued many demands to darken Vanity Fair. This year the demands have been met, as the latest photo spread is fully 50% negroid.

All White people should be alarmed at these calls for an end of whiteness. The Jews and their dark-skinned followers hate our White families, they hate our White countries, they hate White civilization, they hate White beauty, and they hate our White children. They want a future where whiteness has been eliminated.

If we do not stand up and smash Jewish power, our race will perish from the face of the earth. Now is the time to fight.