Is This the Stupidest White Woman in Britain?

May 7, 2014

Denise Hardwick is miraculously still living after her last inter-species fling and has decided to tempt fate with her life by repeating her treason.

When Denise Hardwick split from a Gambian toyboy husband she fell for on holiday, her family and friends breathed a sigh of relief.

They had warned her it would end in heartbreak and, within weeks, it did.

Badou Colley was unmasked as a love rat only interested in her money and, she claims, the chance of a British visa.

But if Denise’s family thought she had learned her lesson, they were wrong.

Now, just three months after her divorce, the 45-year-old is marrying another Gambian – and it has caused uproar.

Her eldest son, 24, is so unhappy with the situation he’s refusing to talk to her. But Denise, who has blown £10,000 chasing her Mr Rights, is unrepentant.

“I know people reading this might think I’m the stupidest woman in Britain but I’m not concerned,” she says.

“My heart tells me this is the right thing to do – and I am going to follow my heart.” Until three years ago Denise had never set foot in Gambia – and the idea of finding love there never crossed her mind.

But all that changed in November 2011 when she and her 11-year-old son agreed to join her sister on a holiday to the West African country.

The last one proved the exception to the rule and did not kill her. He did not rape her either, but only because he was impotent and needed to see a witch doctor.

“I was in a real lull,” she says. “I’d lost my mother and brother to cancer and desperately needed some happiness.

“I’d never thought of going to Gambia, but its beaches looked wonderful online.”

Just a few days into their stay, Denise met Badou, then 28, a hotel worker and tennis coach who was fluent in English.

“He was teaching my son tennis,” she says. “He was good looking, but I didn’t really think of him in a romantic way because he was 15 years younger than me. Then he invited me and my sister for a night out and things went from there.”

The pair quickly became inseparable. Denise says: “I fancied him from the start. But he was a strict Muslim and I respected that. We didn’t do anything more than kiss or cuddle.”

When the week’s holiday came to an end she promised she would return.

“I booked another two-week holiday for my son and I as soon as I arrived home,’ says Denise. “I invited my
sister, too, but she told me I was being foolish and he was only using me to
get a visa.”

In February 2012, Denise flew out and within days, Badou was talking of marriage. Denise says: “He told me
once we were husband and wife we could live together.”

But it quickly became clear Badou was broke and it was up to Denise to bankroll the relationship and buy flights for frequent trips to see him.

Denise holds up a picture from her ‘wedding’ day.

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