ISIS Beheader Free in Belgium

The New Observer
May 10, 2016

In an indication of the sort of “legal immigrant” being allowed into Europe, a known ISIS beheader terrorist is walking the streets of Belgium after being set free by a court pending sentencing, it has been revealed.

The Belgian Het Laaste Nieuws (HLN) newspaper reported that Iliass Khayari, a nonwhite invader who went to fight for ISIS in Syria, was arrested upon his return to Belgium.


Khayari (25), was secretly recorded through an intelligence service bugged telephone conversation boasting about “ripping off the head” of an “enemy of Allah” in Syria, HLN reported.


“He was a heretic,” Khayari, a Belgian national, said of his victim. “An enemy of Allah. That is why I ripped off his head.”

Khayari was born in Brussels, the child of legal immigrants. In December 2012, he left for Syria, after being recruited by the Islamist Shariah4Belgium organization.

Khayari fought with ISIS for six months but was wounded after being hit by a bullet, causing him to suffer a pneumothorax and a fractured upper arm. He returned to Belgium in June 2013 to take advantage of European medical care—to which he is entitled as a “European” national.

His sojourn in Syria was long enough to engage in at least one of the wanton acts of cruelty that the US-backed “rebels” there have become famous for.

In a May 3, 2013 phone call to a friend at home, which was tapped by the police, he boasted of taking part in the beheading of at least one victim.

“I swear I did,” he said, according to a transcript obtained by HLN, “We ripped his head off!”

When asked which crime the victim had committed to deserve a treatment like that, Khayari responded: “He was a taghut, my friend. An enemy of Allah.”

Upon his return to Belgium, Khayari was arrested, and charged with membership of a terrorist organization. Last week he was finally sentenced to a five year jail sentence, half of it suspended upon the incredible condition that he “never go to war again.”

The judge also refused the public prosecutor’s plea to detain Khayari on the spot, and ordered his release until the appeal process is completed—which means several more months at the minimum.

A separate investigation has been opened into the beheading, but as of time of writing, there are no indications that it will actually come to a prosecution.

Khayari insists that he was misinterpreted. Although he clearly stated in the phone call that he performed the beheading himself, he told the court that he had only witnessed it at a public place.

There is little reason to believe his version, as he also insisted that he had never participated in any battle. However, in another tapped call, he discussed in detail a battle, describing how his unit surrounded the “enemy” and how a comrade died.

He also claimed that he had not been “radicalized,”—but a large quantity of Islamist content was found. His excuse for that is the content must have been put on the phone by “a Syrian man” from whom he claims he purchased the device.

However, some of the content included a text in French, titled “Why I support Fouad Belkacem”—a reference to the imprisoned Shariah4Belgium founder. There is little chance that a Syrian, in Syria, would have a document like that on his cell phone, prosecutors pointed out.

There are even taped conversations in which Khayari makes it clear how he prepared to avoid the Belgian authorities after his eventual return to Europe.

“I will not be sent to jail as long as everyone testifies that I only have joined the Free Syrian Army,” he once told a friend—referring to the allegedly moderate rebels.