ISIS Claims Responsibility for Coptic Christian Slaughter in Egypt

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 27, 2017

Stop writing signs in English! We have our own issues!

I don’t really care about this, but apparently it’s big important news.

I think they make it news, even though no one really cares, because they want to say “all lives are equal” and “Arabs are just as much victims as Whites.”

But it is natural for people to care more about things happening in their own countries than in other countries.


Islamic State terrorists have claimed responsibility for an attack on Coptic Christians in Egypt that killed at least 29 and injured over 20 more on Friday. The attack prompted Egypt to launch airstrikes on “terrorist camps” in eastern Libya.

Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement published by the terrorist group on Saturday.

Please, let’s just all agree to call it “ISIS.”

Please, please, please let’s just do that.

Gunmen opened fire on two buses and a truck with Coptic Christians inside in Minya, Egypt on Friday.

The shooting, which occurred on the eve of Ramadan, happened as the victims were traveling from Beni Suef Province to the Coptic Orthodox Anba Samuel Monastery near the southern city of Minya, 250km (155 miles) south of Cairo.

Following the attack, Egypt launched retaliatory strikes on militant positions in Derna, Libya late Friday. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Sisi said that the strikes would reach the terrorists regardless of their location, adding that they would target a terrorist camp they had allegedly come from.

“Egypt will not hesitate in striking any camps that harbor or train terrorist elements whether inside Egypt or outside Egypt,” al-Ahram news agency cited Sisi as saying.

I guess the take-away here – if you want to take something away here – is that liberals are outraged at the idea that Christians would be given preferential status in refugee programs.

I obviously don’t want any of these people coming to my countries. But if it was actually about the people who are being threatened, you would give preferential treatment to Christians.

But of course, refugee programs have nothing at all to do with helping brown people, and everything to do with harming white people.

And the scale of victimhood is equivalent to the scale of harm the victim is able to do to white males.

So Moslems are always bigger victims than Christians, even if they’re both brown. Because brown Christians behave themselves a lot better than brown Moslems when they’re transplanted into White societies.

nb4 “it’s about race not religion” – well, everything is about genetics, including what religion you choose.

All thought and behavior is encoded in a series of biopolymers. “Free will” is a legal fiction.

Sorry to burst your bubbles, m8, but the human soul is made of of nucleic acid sequences.

The Arabs that remained Christian have genetics that are more compatible with White society than the ones who converted to Islam. And they actually tend to have lighter skin as well.

Anyway, you all know the drill:

  1. Moslems murder people at random
  2. You are told to feel bad about it
  3. You feel bad about it
  4. You make a childish gesture to express this bad feeling
  5. You wait for it to happen again

I could write a brilliant satire short story on this.

If only I had the time…

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You can read about that here.