ISIS Head Guy Allegedly Still Alive I Guess (Who Gives a Shit?)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 28, 2017

Yo dawg, where u been at then?

This news is probably bullshit and al-Baghdadi probably is dead. Eleven months is a long time to go without showing up, and scripted voice recordings are super easy to fake.

Russians probably killed him and the US doesn’t want to admit that either:

a) The Russian military is superior to the US military, or

b) The US military purposefully did not kill the leader of ISIS

(q :ɹǝʍsu∀)

In all likelihood, this guy was only a figurative leader to begin with, and the entire organization was being directed by the Israeli Mossad and CIA – other than perhaps the European terrorist attacks, which were just run by random people from the internet.

But who knows?

Who even cares?

The Syrian war is pretty boring now.

Fox News:

A cryptic new audio message purported to be from Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appears to prove the shadowy ISIS strongman has cheated death yet again, despite Moscow’s claims he was killed in battle.

The 46-minute recording, released by Al-Furqan news organization, was the first time the world has heard from the jihadist leader since November 2016, when the last speech was released. It’s unclear when the recording was created.

But there’s some evidence it was recorded recently.

Baghdadi referenced North Korean threats made toward the United States and Japan, Reuters reported. MEMRI MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor, a nonprofit organization which translates Arabic, Farsi, Urdu-Pashtu, Dari and Turkish media, translated portions of the speech.

“Oh soldiers of Islam and caliphate supporters everywhere, intensify the successive attacks, and include the unbelievers’ media headquarters and the ideological war centers among [your] targets,” a voice believed to be of al-Baghdadi said.

“Continue your jihad and blessed operations, and do not let the Crusaders and apostates enjoy a good life or a pleasant living in the middle of their countries while your brothers are experiencing bombardment, killing, and destruction,” he continued.

I can sort of sympathize with the leader of ISIS. Because like, the media said we’re pretty much the same guy. He also hates on bitches and supposedly doesn’t even give a fuck. And I guess he also apparently understands the media is the ideological war center of Jews (conversely, if the tape is fake, or ISIS in its entirety is just a puppet of Jews, they would have written that line in for the purpose of comparing the Alt-Right to ISIS).

However similar we may be, one thing is certain: he’s got a whole lot easier time existing on the internet than I do.

Cloudflare will protect his websites, but they won’t protect mine – originally for that stated reason that their CEO, Matthew Prince thinks I’m an asshole.

And I guess because a random commenter joked that he was a Nazi – apparently (?).

However, it was recently admitted by Prince that he didn’t actually ban me because he thinks I’m an asshole, but instead because of Jewish money.

He hasn’t apologized for calling me an asshole though.