Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 17, 2014

When observing the cold-blooded murderers of ISIS and watching Black gangster rap videos on YouTube, I am unable to not acknowledge the fact that the White population of the world is, generally, infected with excessively high levels of utter faggotry.
Excluding the Slavs, who though perhaps lacking in organization are hardcore to the max, White nations are completely pussified and pathetic.
I am sorry to have to say it, but it must be said.
Seriously, look around you – what do you see? These White men are nearly all completely soft, like soiled tissue paper, while ISIS is crucifying their enemies and Blacks are open-firing on anyone who questions them.

In Athens, about one in four men voted for Golden Dawn. And it seems to me that it is about 25% of the men who have maintained masculinity there – a much higher percentage than in Northern Europe and the US, though still miserably low.
Granted, these Blacks and Muslims are acting out animal behavior, which comes natural to the lower races, but it is also – we must surely admit – representative of a form of primal masculinity which would be highly beneficial to the White race at this point in history.

In all honesty, I must assert that it is the pussification of the White race which has led us to our present crisis. When I meet men who come across as masculine – not necessarily in super-good shape, just assertive and strong in character – they will, almost unanimously, agree with my racist and Antisemitic beliefs. Conversely, there is rarely a fagged-out girly-man who will agree with my positions.

Strength of body and character are naturally synonymous with right-wing hardcore personal values. This is because in a natural system, everyone will be put where they deserve to be put. Men of strength will be put in positions of power, men of strong moral and intellectual character will get the same, while pussy faggots will be locked in internment camps until they up their game or die of exposure.

It is also true that women who seek positions of control, rather than femininity and childbirth, are likely to ally with the faggoty elements of the male population. A woman’s strength is from her femininity, and if she rejects that, she becomes as weak as a man who has abandoned masculinity. They are both perfect allies of the Jews and their hordes of savages.
Feminism itself is the largest block to men developing masculinity. We were raised by women, told women are our equals, and this has lowered us to the level of fake-men, crying about environmentalism and the plight of the poor African children. If we were allowed to be men – allowed to conquer and dominate those who are below us – we would never have even run across Justin Bieber or Maroon 5. We would not be sitting around worrying about if we can get a girlfriend or what society will think of our new shirt – we would be crushing our enemies and scorching the earth.
Following this logic, it is most important to endorse masculinity and masculine values, and push this on the society. Those who refuse to conform to a system of extreme and hardcore violence should be ostracised and rejected as below human. If we are capable of doing this, we will surely have victory, as fascism follows naturally from masculinity.
Through feminism and general cultural faggotry, the Jew has destabilized our foundations. The Blacks and Muslims have been allowed to maintain their masculinity, which now makes us sitting ducks for their acts of ridiculous violence against us.
If we want to secure the victory of the White race, we are going to have to man up.

Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin