ISIS Says They’re Going to Take Back Spain – What Happened to Taking Down the Jews, Guys???

Daily Stormer
August 23, 2014

Whoa, whoa, whoa hadji.  Let's focus on the Jews for now.
Whoa, whoa, whoa hadji. Let’s focus on the Jews for now.
ISIS is saying they are going to take back Spain. lol.

In a recent video released by the serial killer group, the dude says:

“I say to the entire world as a warning: We are living under the Islamic flag, the Islamic caliphate. We will die for it until we liberate those occupied lands, from Jakarta to Andalusia. And I declare: Spain is the land of our forefathers and we are going to take it back with the power of Allah.”

I am not the least bit worried that this is going to actually happen. It is like a baby saying he is going to take back his father’s BMW. It is of no consequence.

What I am worried about: why are they not focused on the Jews?

If I were these crazies, that would be my main focus.

Who knows. Maybe al-Baghdadi really is half Jew. I had very high hopes for these whacked-out savages. I thought they really stood a chance of attacking Jewistan. But it seems they simply want to screw around and kill other Arabs while threatening to invade Europe.

It is uninspiring. Hardcore as they may be.