ISIS Kidnap 300 Blue-Eyed Yazidi Girls to Impregnate Them and Destroy the Blonde Bloodline

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
August 17, 2014

The Yazidis are Whiter because they didn’t embrace Islam, which is a religion based on race-mixing.

Being born White is the greatest gift that anyone could ever be given. Even among the Non-Whites, the lighter their skin is, the higher their societal standing.

Blacks spend an absolute fortune trying to make themselves look whiter because White is beautiful. As is typical with inadequate savages though, instead of being glad for other people who have been born lighter, many of them just seek to destroy what they cannot have for themselves. So it is with the ISIS barbarians, who have kidnapped as many of the blonde haired Yazidi girls that they could find, in order to defile them and darken their bloodlines further.

One blonde child does not mean these people are White, it is just more evidence of White people being miscegenated out of existence on every continent of the world, throughout history.

Daily Mail:

Fears are growing for the 300 Yazidi women reportedly kidnapped by Islamic State fighters last week amid claims they would be used to bear children to break up the ancient sect’s bloodline.

The minority group is originally Aryan and has retained a fairer complexion, blonde hair and blue eyes by only marrying within the community.

But in a furious bid to convert all non-Muslims, ISIS jihadists have vowed to impregnate the hostages.

Some 45,000 Yazidi refugees have finally been able to escape from Mount Sinjar after U.S. air strikes and a fightback by Kurdish forces appeared to have broken the ten-day siege by Islamic militants.

However, as the women remain trapped, Kurdish militia are calling on Western forces to give them arms rather than plotting rescue missions.

Addressing the kidnapping, Adnan Kochar, chairman of the Kurdish Cultural Centre in London, told MailOnline: ‘The Kurds and Yazidis are originally Aryans. But because the Yazidis are such a closed community they have retained a fairer complexion, blonder hair and bluer eyes. They don’t marry non-Yazidis.

This is what the majority of them look like.

‘ISIS have taken around 300 women from Sinjar to give to jihadists to marry and make pregnant to have a Muslim child. If they can’t kill all Yazidis, they will try to smash the blond bloodline.’

According to reports, a small band of Iraqis stranded on the barren mountain top are apparently either too scared or too proud to come down.

U.S. officials claim some Yazidis have indicated to American forces tasked with rescuing them that they see the mountain as a safe haven and were reluctant to leave.

The Yazidis adhere to a 4,000-year-old faith passed down and adapted through the generations by word of mouth and composed of elements of several religions.

But they are unjustly regarded as ‘devil worshippers’ on account of their unusual beliefs, which derive from the ancient faith called Zoroastrianism, the religion of Persia long before Islam arrived.

And this is what they really want.

The Kurds and Yazidi think that they are Aryans because they are partially descended from the original Aryans, however the original ones were pure White and these ones are just lighter skinned than your usual Arabs, due to less miscegenation over the years. They keep saying ‘is Aryan’ instead of ‘was Aryan’ and ‘are originally Aryan’ instead of ‘were originally Aryan.’

This is in order to cover up the fact that the only true Aryans left alive in the world, are now called Europeans (and maybe these people in Pakistan).

We stand in line for the same fate as the Yazidi if we do not start separating ourselves from the racial contamination that is poisoning our nations. We already have Arabs and Blacks calling themselves ‘British’ in the same way these Kurds and Yazidi are calling themselves ‘Aryan.’