ISIS-Supporter John McCain Demands X-Treme War Against Syria

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 10, 2017

Unsurprisingly, Trump isn’t moving fast and hard enough in his war plans for the extremist ISIS-supporter and traitor to America John McCain.

He likes his wars like he likes his hashbrowns at Waffle House: scattered, smothered, chunked, diced and capped.

John McCain is the Mike Tyson of World Wars. He’s on real Waffle House hours.

As I said again, taking this action I support and was important. But we’ve got to have strategy and a plan to follow through. Just a one time deal is not going to be productive. And saying we’re only going after chemical weapons areas ignores the enormity of the problem. A very small portion of the people who have been slaughtered in Syria have been slaughtered by chemical weapons.

This is insane.

Trump is now listening to these people.

The worst people.