ISIS Trolls First Negress with Hilarious #BRINGBACKOURHUMVEE Tweets

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer

June 23, 2014


The freedom fighters of ISIS are not simply brutal psychopathic killers, they are also hilarious Photoshoppers.

Mocking Michelle Obama, who is for some reason the black First Lady of America, the terror group edited a picture of Michelle holding up a sign saying “#BringBackOurGirls,” which she Tweeted in support of Nigerians returning kidnapped slave girls, making it say “#BRINGBACKOURHUMVEE,” in reference to the vehicles ISIS has commandeered from the ZOG government of Iraq.

ISIS are serious people.  But they don't lack a sense of humor.
ISIS are serious people. But they don’t lack a sense of humor.

Previous humorous Tweets from ISIS include a picture of the severed head of an Iraqi ZOG police officer saying “This is our football.  It is made of skin.  #WorldCup.”