Islamic London: Fat Afghani Slut Orchestrated Murder of Asylum Seeker, Streamed It on Snapchat

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 31, 2018

Now that London is an Islamic State, hajis are finally doing the jobs Britons don’t want to do.

Like having asylum seekers murdered and streaming their deaths online, lol.



A self-confessed “Snapchat addict” orchestrated the murder of her on-off boyfriend then posted a video of him dying with the caption ‘this is what happens if you f*** with me’, a court heard.

Fatima Khan, 20, is accused of plotting with a rival for her affections to kill Afghan asylum seeker Khalid Safi, 18, who she had been seeing for two years.

Mr Safi was repeatedly stabbed in the chest by Raza Khan in North Acton, north London, on the evening of December 1 2016, jurors were told.

Rather than calling for an ambulance, Fatima Khan allegedly filmed him as he lay dying in the street.


She posted it on Snapchat with the caption: “This is what happens when you f*** with me”, the Old Bailey heard.

Jurors were shown the disturbing footage as well as CCTV images allegedly showing the fatal fight between Mr Safi and 19-year-old Raza Khan.

Khalid Safi

Raza Khan

Prosecutor Kate Bex QC said the two men had fought over Fatima Khan a few years earlier, during which Mr Safi was hurt.

And in the run-up to the killing, Fatima Khan had been in daily contact with Raza Khan via Snapchat, jurors heard.

She became upset when Mr Safi bought her a watch and presented it to her at her home five days before his death, jurors heard.

She threw the gift at him out of an upstairs window because her family did not know about the relationship, Ms Bex said.

The lawyer told jurors that Raza Khan was “a rival for her affections” and Fatima Khan was “essential to the success of the plan” to get rid of Mr Safi.

She said: “She told Raza Khan where to find Khalid Safi and she ensured Mr Safi was still there by the time Mr Khan travelled to the scene.

On the day of the killing, Mr Safi and Fatima Khan had gone to a Costa Coffee near to her work at Vigilant Security in North Acton.

Roflmao, she worked at a security company.

The couple were hanging around benches outside the coffee shop, before Raza Khan arrived in a minicab.

A witness noted that it was obvious the couple were together but there was a “weird atmosphere” between them, jurors heard.

When Raza Khan arrived, he went straight up to them holding a large knife in his hand, jurors heard.

Ms Bex said: “Raza Khan spoke briefly to either the defendant or Khalid Safi and then turned to face him at which point the prosecution suggest the knife would have been in plain view.

“Mr Safi produced a screwdriver and they began to fight. The fight lasted 15 seconds at most and it is caught on CCTV.

“Mr Safi died at the scene having received a number of wounds to his chest, one penetrating his heart.”

Raza Khan was injured in the fight but calmly left the scene and his whereabouts remains unknown, the court heard.

So that’s, you know, the exciting, vibrant kinda life you can live in Britain these days.

Watching Afghans stab each other with screwdrivers over a fat bitch.

You couldn’t get that kind of entertainment in London in the 60s.

Place was boring as fuck.

So I hope that next time you hear someone say “diversity is our greatest strength” you think of this story and the dozens like it which happen every day and realize how blessed you are to live in a society enriched with such high levels of vibrancy.

And thank Sadiq Khan for keeping this party rolling.

He is a true Pakistani Islamic Jihadi. And he represents exactly what it means to be British.

This is a modern city, with the old fashioned values of primitive, inbred cave people.