Israel Apparently Bombed Syria Again

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 17, 2018

The Trump style is definitely not to secretly bomb.

So obviously, this is Israel again.


Syrian air defense systems have been activated in response to a missile attack targeting Shayrat Airbase in Homs province, and, according to state media, managed to take down all the incoming projectiles.

Up to 10 missiles were destroyed by the Syrian Armed Forces, a military source told Sputnik. The Syrian air defenses managed to intercept some of the projectiles, according to a SANA reporter. Meanwhile, the Al Mayadeen news outlet is claiming that all the projectiles were intercepted and inflicted no physical damage or casualties.

The Pentagon has denied initiating strikes or conducting any other military activity in Homs province. “There is no US military activity in that area at this time,” the Pentagon’s spokesperson told Reuters. The same information was also shared with TASS news agency by Pentagon spokesman Eric Pahon.

The raid in Homs countryside reportedly coincided with another missile attack against a military airbase near Damascus. According to various Arabic media channels, three missiles targeted Al Dumayr airport, but they were all allegedly downed by the Syrian air defenses.

According to yet unconfirmed reports, the missiles entered Syrian airspace from Lebanon, which may indicate that the Israeli Air Force could have been involved, Al-Masdar News reports, citing a military source. The outlet’s reporter also published several videos allegedly showing the launch of interceptor missiles.

The Jews are a race of terrorists.

There is literally nothing done by Jews that doesn’t ultimately amount to a form of terrorism.

If Israel has a coherent strategy here, I’ve no idea what it is.

But they’ve claimed a right to bomb any time they want, for any reason.


Israel will not accept any limitations to its operations in Syrian airspace against ‘Iranian threat’, the defense minister said, expressing hope that “communication” lines with Moscow will help avoid any “friction” in the air.

On Tuesday morning, a series of missile strikes once again targeted Syrian military infrastructure. The Pentagon, which led the coordinated April 14 assault against Syrian targets with its British and French allies, denied its involvement in attacking a new set of targets. Israel, which struck Syria’s Tiyas (T-4) airfield in Homs province on April 9, also failed to acknowledge bombing its neighbor.

Yet the new attack against Syria comes just hours after Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman vowed to protect the country’s national interests through breaching Syrian airspace if necessary.

They have that right… because of the Holocaust…