Israel Bombing Iranians in Syria

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 2, 2017

Notice of what? Murder?

The thing that people need to understand about the Jews is that any time they think they can get away with maiming or killing you, they will do it.

This creates a big problem for non-Jews, due to the fact that living creatures do not generally want to be maimed or killed.

Times of Israel:

With Syrian and Lebanese media reporting Israel carried out a missile strike overnight on a military base near al-Qiswa, some 13 kilometers (8 miles) southwest of Damascus, and in light of reports Iran is constructing a base in the area, Israel appears to have dramatically upped the ante regarding the Islamic republic’s military presence in Syria, turning its threats into action.

Top Israeli officials have in recent months repeatedly warned Israel will not tolerate an Iranian military presence in Syria. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is said to have conveyed a warning to President Bashar Assad just days ago, via a third party, that Assad’s regime will itself be targeted by Israel if he allows Iran a permanent presence.

While until now it was not clear to what extent Israel was willing to enforce this red line, the latest reported airstrikes signal the line is brighter than ever and Israel is prepared to back up its warnings.

According to some of the foreign reports, the base in al-Qiswa attacked overnight was indeed the installation photographed in satellite images published by the BBC three weeks ago. Those reports indicate the base was not operational and had yet to be manned by any Iranian soldiers, advisers or personnel from its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Expansion work was recently carried out at the site and it appears Israel was aware of the base’s purpose.

The airstrike sent a message to Assad, Tehran and Hezbollah, as well, of course, as Russian President Vladimir Putin, that Israel will not stand idly by if Iran’s military entrenchment in Syria continues.


Israel is sending messages to Vladimir Putin.

So basically, we’re now definitely in the run-up to some kind of all-out world war scenario.

Because the Jewish people have to have a homeland. Or whatever. Not sure. But for some reason that relates to Jews, we’re going to do a world war, I guess.