Daily Slave
August 7, 2014

What luck for the Jews that they would conveniently find a Hamas manual on using human shields at the same time that they are putting out all sorts of human shield propaganda.
Sorry, but considering Israel’s horrible track record at telling the truth, I’m not inclined to believe that they really found anything. It is more likely that they got the Mossad’s graphic design department to come up with a faked document for propaganda purposes.
They’re putting their own people in the line of fire — and doing it by the book.
The Israeli military said it has captured a Hamas manual on urban warfare — called “Introduction to the City War” — that extols the benefits of civilian deaths and openly admits that Israel tries to avoid them.
The Israel Defense Forces also said the manual — whose cover shows images of militants wielding rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons — crows about the propaganda value of the deaths of innocents.
“The destruction of civilian homes: This increases the hatred of the citizens toward the attackers and increases their gathering around [to support] the city defenders,” the manual said, according to the IDF.