Daily Stormer
August 21, 2014

How is it that anyone is capable of taking them seriously on any level at all?
The Netanya Crime Unit arrested three Israeli Arabs on Tuesday, according to Channel 2, on charges of burglary and breaking and entering.
The three men, residents of Baka al-Gharbia in their 30s and 40s, allegedly committed a brutal break-in and robbery at the home of two Holocaust survivors.
According to the victims, the three knocked the door down of the apartment, hurling the 93 year-old owner to the ground before he could refasten the latch to his home.
After the suspects burst in, one of them restrained the victim’s wife, 86 years old, who began to call the neighbors to help. The suspect kept a gun pointed at her and threatened to beat her if she continued to cry out for help.
At the same time another suspect approached the homeowner, then gagged and threaten him.
The third suspect, meanwhile, stole thousands of dollars in cash and jewelry from the apartment before all three fled.
The Holocaust survivor told police in the statement that the suspects treated her and her husband brutally.
“I was 15 years old when I was in Auschwitz,” she said. “I am the sole survivor from my family – but I was never treated there like I was here [during the robbery].”
“Sole survivor” lol. “Thank Elohim I wasn’t 6,000,001! Oy vey!”
Simply unbelievable, the pure nerve of these “people.”
Well, at least they didn’t gas anyone.