Israel: Jews Warn Jewesses About Palestinian Beach Rapists

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 6, 2015


Oh boy. It looks like the Chosen have done another racism.


Israeli news site Walla! ran an article [Hebrew] on Friday with the following headline: “Palestinians who come to Tel Aviv’s beaches cannot resist the women.” The article describes how Palestinian men from the West Bank take advantage of their entry permits—which are granted with greater ease during the month of Ramadan in order to allow worshippers access to Jerusalem—to enjoy the beaches of Tel Aviv.

But if you ask Walla, not all of these men are so innocent. According to the article, one 19-year-old Palestinian from Hebron was detained for sexually harassing two women on the beach this past week.

“We see this phenomenon every year during Ramadan,” said police investigator Yoni Hirshhorn during a hearing over whether to extend the man’s detention. “The Ramadan tourists who obtain permits to pray take trips to Tel Aviv. They come to the beaches of Tel Aviv and some of them cannot help themselves when they see the women, that’s when we receive reports of sexual harassment and assault.”

There is no minimizing acts of sexual harassment and sexual assault, and there is no doubt that every allegation of sexual assault needs to be taken seriously. Men cannot commit violent, gender-based crimes against women and expect to be let off the hook.

But as one scrolls through Walla’s story, which is rife with disturbing, illustrative photos of Palestinian-looking men leering at what are presumed to be white, Jewish women on the beach—one must ask why on earth the editors thought this particular story was worth publishing, when stories about Jewish men assaulting Jewish women rarely are. Does the nationality of the attacker matter for anything other than click bait, not to mention race-baiting? Does it count as news when a Jewish man assaults a Jewish woman?

The photographs in the original article, showing Arabs leering at Jew beach-goers, is hilarious. Check it.

Presumably, it’s true. I have no reason to doubt that this is happening.

But can you imagine American police warning White women about Black rapists?

Or what if a Presidential candidate warned of the dangers of Latino rapists crossing the border?

Why do Jews get all of these special privileges to violate the global mandates of political correctness?

Is it because God chose them as the chosen ones?

Does that reason make sense to you?