Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 28, 2013

We know that the Jews push multicult on us and use DNA tests to keep Israel genetically pure, but it is always shocking to see the way that the media handles it.
Washington Post recently published an article dealing with Israel’s plan to force out the blacks, which includes locking them in concentration camps.
From it:
In the empty desert, workers are building an answer to a difficult question: What should Israel, a nation built by Jewish refugees, do about the 55,000 African migrants who entered this country illegally, fleeing famine, bondage and war?
The newly constructed “open facility” is designed to hold up to 3,300 illegal immigrants. It is not a prison, but not exactly a shelter, either. Residents will be required to answer roll call three times a day. They are not allowed to seek work. The facility is surrounded by a fence topped with spools of razor wire, and the migrants will be locked down at night.
Cool, locking blacks in a razor wire concentration camp in the desert. No probs.

The Israelis do not want to forcibly deport the “infiltrators,” as they are called here. Nor do they want them to stay. The country is looking for ways to push the Africans to leave voluntarily, and the detention facility is one way to give them a shove.
We are forced to call the hordes “asylum seekers,” but the Jews are allowed to openly refer to them as “infiltrators.” It makes sense, because Jews got gassed by the millions in homicidal chambers of gas, and nothing bad in history has ever happened to White people. The double-standard doesn’t even need to be mentioned because it is so obviously grounded in the science of historical fact.
The struggle over what to do with the asylum seekers, refugees and others who entered the country illegally parallels similar debates in Europe and the United States. But in Israel, the issue is further complicated by religion.
Oh, religion, yeah right, that makes sense then that if they have a religion they would have to keep it pure for religious reasons, whereas in America and Europe religion is irrelevant because Christianity is a religion of pure evil responsible for enslaving the blacks and killing millions of gays and Mexicans in chambers with electric floors.
And it isn’t like Islam is causing problems in Europe. I mean, if Sweden had the second highest rape rate in the world because Muslim immigrants believe they have a right – if not duty – to rape non-Muslim women, then we might have to talk about a religious problem. But since Islam is a religion of peace and Christianity isn’t a real religion, it makes perfect sense that Judaism would have special consideration.
It is also really cool that they have figured out a way to use DNA tests to determine a person’s religion, and that with Judaism, you can identify as non-religious, as forty-six percent of Israeli Jews do, and still be a part of the religion.
What we really have to worry about is racism, like these White people who just hate all non-White people and try to keep them out of their countries because they are so filled with hatred. We must flood them, and then make it illegal for anyone to question the situation, in order to defend basic morality.