Israel Raids Palestinian Media Company for Inciting Terrorism

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
July 31, 2017

This Palestinian media company was inciting violence against their peace loving Jewish masters! How dare they!

In the fine Jewish supremacist nation of Israel, the Jews have raided the offices of a Palestinian media company. The Jews say that they were inciting terrorism against their Jewish masters.


Israeli soldiers raided the offices of PalMedia, a Palestinian media production company, in the West Bank city of Ramallah early Saturday morning.

The forces seized equipment and documents from at least one of the offices, on suspicion of “incitement to terrorism,” according to the Israel Defense Forces.

PalMedia provides broadcast services to several media outlets, including Russia Today, BBC, France 24, Lebanese al-Mayadeen, al-Manar, and al-Quds news.

An IDF spokesman told the Palestinian Maan news agency that the forces had “seized media equipment and documents used for incitement,” and that the documents included photos.

How terrible! I thought everybody loved Jews? After all, they make funny Hollywood movies with funny Jewish actors like Adam Sandler.

Do you know what would be really terrible? If the mean racist Donald Trump decided to raid media outlets in America the same way.

Trump keeps claiming that these news organizations are producing fake news about him. I don’t think this is possible though.

The reason why I don’t believe Trump is telling the truth about this is because I heard a rumor that these media outlets were all run by Jews. How could a group of people who make funny movies lie about someone like this? It doesn’t make sense.

It would be truly awful if Trump used the entire resources of the federal government to shut down these Jewish run media operations and arrest the Jews who run them. Yes, it would be truly, truly awful if he were to do such a thing.

America would no longer exist without God’s chosen people running these media operations. So let’s hope Trump never ever does such a bad thing!