Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 10, 2014
Rajnath Singh, India’s Union Home Minister, visited Israel Thursday to view how they keep the Palestinians out of their racially pure Jew state, Economic Times reports.
India is interested in using these very efficient Jew methods of border security to keep Pakis out of their country.
Singh visited out-posts where the Jews use their high-tech to keep Gaza locked-down like a vice and then went to meet Bibi, the King of the Jews. Netanyahu told him that Israel is “ready and willing” to share their security technologies for keeping non-Jews out of their racially pure state with India.
The system uses long-range day cameras and night observation systems which employ third-generation thermal imaging. This is reenforced with land patrols and radar detection that is able to detect human movement within several kilometers. The fence itself is fitted with electronic touch and motion sensors which use seismic systems to detect any attempts to tunnel below it. It areas where fencing is not possible, UAVs are used to monitor the area.
It is so great that the Jews are willing to help the Indians with their border security. I hope that our government will also soon be using these technologies to defend our own border. Oh but no. Wait. That would be pure racism.
Only Jews and non-Whites are allowed to protect their borders, because White people committed a holocaust of the 6 trillion and enslaved the Blacks, plus they did colonialism. Because Jews have never done anything wrong in history, they have special rights, as do other non-Whites, because they have also never in the history of their bloodlines ever done anything wrong ever.
Sometimes White people are just like children – they can’t understand that if they do something wrong – gas 60 trillion Jews for no reason and turn them all into lampshades – they will need to be punished – have their country flooded with third-world people who will quickly out-breed them and ensure that they stop existing completely within a few generations.