Israeli Embassy in Jordan Attacked! Two Dead! [UPDATE: Dead Both Arabs, Israel Outlaws Reporting on Event]

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 23, 2017


This hour, the death toll from one to two. Both of them are Arabs.


Two Jordanians died from wounds inflicted during a shooting on Sunday in the compound of the heavily-guarded Israeli embassy that also wounded an Israeli, police and a security source said.

Police said earlier that the two Jordanians worked for a furniture firm and entered the embassy compound before the shooting to do repairs. Police did not identify the wounded Israeli, and few other details were immediately available.

Israel has imposed a ban on reporting the incident and has made no public comment.

The reason Israel is imposing a ban on reporting on it is that it is looked at as a victory for the Arabs, and could potentially inspire more of them to attack Jews.

But there’s your “democratic state” for you. Banning reporting on the number one news story on the planet at this hour.

Original article follows.

First thing that went through my mind when I saw this headline: “well, it wasn’t ISIS.”


A Jordanian was killed on Sunday and an Israeli seriously wounded at Israel’s embassy in Amman, a security source said.

Local media the Jordanian died after a fight with an Israeli inside the Israeli embassy in Amman.

The quarrel broke out between the two for unknown reasons, leaving the Jordanian with two gunshots in the shoulder and the Israeli stabbed in the chest.

“A Jordanian man was killed and an Israeli man wounded and is in a serious condition following an incident inside the (Israeli) embassy” in the residential Rabiyeh neighbourhood of Amman, a security source, who declined to be named or give further details.

Jordanian security forces deployed in the streets around the embassy, an AFP correspondent said.

The incident comes at a time of mounting tensions between Israel and the Muslim world over metal detectors Israel installed around the al-Aqsa Mosque.

Earlier on Sunday, Jordan requested an urgent meeting for Arab foreign ministers to discuss the situation.

On Friday, thousands of Jordanians took to the streets of Amman after the weekly prayer to denounce the Israeli measures at the Haram al-Sharif mosque compound.

Yeah, it was just some random pissed-off Arab.

The way they’re telling it, it’s like it was a disagreement inside the embassy that escalated to violence, which doesn’t really make too much sense to me. The whole story is weird. Why would they let a random Arab bring a knife into the embassy? Do they not have metal detectors?

Some are claiming it was an employee of the embassy, though I still don’t see why he wouldn’t go through a metal detector every day.

Why I Knew It Wasn’t ISIS as Soon as I Saw the Headline

In actual fact, although ISIS superficially represents the interests of Arabs – they like the idea of putting hoes in check, throwing homos off roofs, just blowing a bunch of shit up and killing people for seemingly random reasons – their actual political goals do not line-up.

ISIS is virulently pro-Israel, and is against anyone who is against Israel. They are also a tool of the elite of the Gulf, which the average Arab – I’m talking just Sunni Arabs here – hates.

There are no doubt quite a few Arabs that hate Assad because he is too liberal and a Shiite (i.e. whiter than average), but that isn’t why ISIS hates him: they hate him because he poses a threat to Israeli-Saudi dominance of the region.

ISIS has a direct line to the IDF and once apologized to them when they accidentally attacked their guys.

Jews Pushing and Poking – Hard

The Israelis are prodding hard. They are pissing off the whole world with this attack on Al-Aqsa.

Speaking, as we are, on Israeli embassies, there was a rather large protest outside the one in London yesterday.

It sort of parallels what Jews are doing in the West with the whole “shut it down” agenda.

I’m unclear on why, when there is already so much goyim knowing going on, they think it is reasonable to up the ante.

Actually, I am clear on why: it’s because they’re Jews, and they simply do not know when to stop.