Israeli Jew Creates Magic Yarmulke to Enable Talmudists to Sneak About Undetected Among the Goyim

Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2015

“Magic Kippa,” comes in an array of shades and colors – but probably not Nigger.

A Jewish barber in Israel has created what he calls a ‘magic’ yarmulke out of human hair which enables Jew Talmudists to sneak around among the Gentiles and subvert them without being noticed, the NY Post reports.

Shalom Koresh has seen particular interest in his magic hair-piece from France and Belgium.

“This skullcap is washable, you can brush it, you can dye it,” Koresh said from within his criminal base known as central Israel. “It was created so people could feel comfortable going to places where they are afraid to go, or places where they can’t wear it, and feel secure.”

Mideast Israel Magic Yarmulke
The magic hat makes the Jew entirely invisible to the Goyim.

Orthodox Jews are required to wear their silly caps everywhere and a 2013 European Union report found that one in five Christ-killers in Europe avoid wearing kippas or other Jewish symbols out of fear of being openly criticized and reprimanded for their evil actions as a race.

Rabbi Shlomo Aviner who teaches at a prominent Jerusalem yeshiva said that the caps were supposed to be visible, but as usual the Talmud provided a get-out clause: “Our sages said that, for example, when we are in danger, then it’s possible (to hide it).”

‘Danger’ is elsewhere defined in the Talmud as meaning any situation that is not under full control of the Jews and it is not only the law regarding the yarmulke that they are permitted to break.

The hairy hat which he calls a magic Kippa comes in various shades and colors, but he has not yet worked out how to hide the beaky nose and stupid sidelocks.

Mideast Israel Magic Yarmulke
So this is where Star Trek got the idea for Tribbles from.