Daily Stormer
May 29, 2014

With the Supreme Court having ruled that Chicago’s ban on gun stores is unconstitutional, the Jewish Occupational Government of that city is scrambling to find ways to make it virtually impossible for gun stores to operate in the Israeli-dominated, crime-ridden cesspool of a failed city.
Jewish overlord of the city, Rahm Emanuel, has introduced a measure which would require all gun sales to be videotaped by ZOG.
The measure, which would also ban gun stores near schools and parks, was introduced Wednesday at a city council meeting without discussion. It was then referred to the council’s Public Safety Committee.
A vote on the proposal has not been scheduled.
The move comes in response to a January federal court ruling that deemed Chicago’s longtime ban on gun stores unconstitutional. The court gave the city six months to approve store restrictions while lifting the ban, setting a deadline of July 14 for the new plan.
The Democratic mayor’s plan, which is likely to be controversial, would aim to significantly limit any gun dealer who wishes to operate in the city. Emanuel’s proposal would also require a 72-hour waiting period for purchasing handguns and a 24-hour waiting period for rifles and shotguns.
Dealers would then be able to sell only one handgun per month, per buyer. Store records would also be subject to quarterly audits.
The stores also must have a police-approved security plan before they could open. The plan would have to include exterior lighting, surveillance cameras, alarm systems and gun and ammunition storage. Store employees would also be forced to “undergo fingerprinting, background checks and training on identifying potential gun traffickers.”
Chicago is becoming the new Detroit, as negro crime runs rampant, but the Jewish masters do not want Whites to be able to protect themselves. Negroes do not purchase guns legally, so these restrictions mean nothing to them, and they will still be carrying full military arsenals while law-abiding Whites attempt to jump through endless hoops to acquire a handgun which enables them to shoot back when the hordes bust down their doors to steal their jewels and rape their wives.