Israeli Jew Professor: Jews Should be Worried About Jobbik

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 15, 2014

Gypsies?  They are exactly the same as you, goyim.  Just because they look and behave completely differently does not mean they are not exactly the same.  Consider, for instance, that they have two legs, two arms and a head.  Just like other goyim.
Gypsies? They are exactly the same as you, goyim. Just because they look and behave completely differently does not mean they are not exactly the same. Consider, for instance, that they have two legs, two arms and a head. Just like other goyim.

Although the ruling party, Fidesz, achieved victory in Sunday’s municipal elections in Hungary, Jobbik also made significant gains. This has prompted Tel Aviv University history professor Dr. Raphael Vago to come out with a warning that the situation in Hungary “should worry the Jews in the context of rising against the ‘other.’”

Jobbik made gains against the socialist party, securing its position as the second biggest opposition party. Back in April, Jobbik initially achieved this position when it received 21% of the vote in national elections.

Jerusalem Post:

“The result of Jobbik is very concerning,” Andras Heisler, president of the Federation of Hungarian Jewish Communities (Mazsihisz), told The Jerusalem Post at the time.

Jobbik campaigned actively against the country’s Roma, or Gypsy, minority, promising to tackle what the party describes as “Gypsy crime.”In Ozd, an industrial town of 35,000 people in northeastern Hungary, Jobbik’s victorious campaign was based on the promise to issue an ultimatum to the Roma – follow our rules or leave town.

The town of Ozd was the biggest prize won by Jobbik in the municipal elections, in which it increased the numbers of City Hall seats it controls from three to 14.

According to a manifesto posted on the Jobbik site next to a photograph of Ozd’s newly elected mayor, David Janiczak, “We think there are two ways to solve the Gypsy question… The first one is based on peaceful consent, the second on radical exclusion.”

“Our party wishes to offer one last chance to the destructive minority that lives here, so first it will consider peaceful consent. If that agreement fails, then and only then the radical solution can follow,” it said.

While Janiczak is reported to have taken a softer line since winning the municipal election, promising to “create jobs and enforce order for Roma and Hungarians alike,” there is still considerable suspicion of the far-right party among Hungarian Jews.

lol @ putting “gypsy crime” in quotations.

Have these people never been to Easter Europe? Or… London? They are suggesting gypsy criminality is some sort of myth? All these people do is beg and commit crimes. That is an obvious, known and documented fact.

Hungary is seriously infected with the gypsy virus.
Hungary is seriously infected with the gypsy virus.

It is quite funny to see the way these Jews continually defend any group – whether it is Blacks, immigrants, gypsies, faggots, feminists, or whatever – who threaten the stability of any White Western country.  Could it be any more obvious that the entire doctrine of liberalism is part of of a Jewish plot to destabilize our societies, by any means necessary, thus leaving them ripe for exploitation by the conniving weasel Jew?

Anyway, if you Jews are so worried about Jobbik, why don’t you piss off back to your own country?  What, exactly, ever gave you the right to live in Hungary in the first place?  Do non-Jewish Hungarians have a right to live in Israel?  Please, just gtfo and take your gypsy pets with you.  They would seriously enrich Tel Aviv, I am quite certain.