Israeli Jews Attack European Diplomats, Seize West Bank Aid

September 21, 2013

EU_diplomat_attackedIsraeli occupation soldiers manhandled European diplomats and confiscated an aid truck carrying tents to homeless Palestinians in the West Bank on Friday.

The incident took place in the northern Jordan Valley when Acted, a French humanitarian aid organization funded by the EU’s humanitarian arm, was stopped by Israeli occupation Forces soldiers near the hamlet of Kirbet Makhoul, home to about 100 Bedouin Palestinians, which the Zionist army bulldozed early last Monday.

Diplomats from France, the UK, Ireland, Spain Sweden, Greece, Australia, Brazil and the EU and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs accompanied the convoy, which Israeli soldiers stopped on early Friday afternoon near the demolished hamlet.

A diplomat who was at the scene told the Financial Times that IOF soldiers blocked the aid from being delivered, confiscated the truck and forcibly removed a French diplomat, who he said “ended up on the ground”. Reuters quoted Marion Castain, the French diplomat, as saying: “They dragged me out of the truck and forced me to the ground with no regard for my diplomatic immunity.”

Sound grenades were detonated close to the group, witnesses said.