Israeli Jews Hacked Russia, Claims – Get This – A Global Russian Conspiracy

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 11, 2017

It’s starting to look to me like the Jews don’t really like Russians very much.

It’s also really looking to me like the Israelis really have a lot of influence on the American intelligence establishment.

Interesting news, interesting news.

Fox News:

Israeli intelligence officers watched Russian hackers use software from Moscow-based cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab to search for U.S. secrets, the New York Times reports.

The hackers reportedly searched computers across the globe for the code names of U.S. intelligence programs.

Citing current and former government officials who spoke on condition of anonymity, the report says that Israeli officials who had hacked into Kaspersky’s network alerted their U.S. counterparts. The intrusion, which was detected more than two years ago, prompted the U.S. Government’s recent decision to ditch Kaspersky Lab software, the Times said.

The Russian operation reportedly stole classified documents from a NSA employee. The documents were improperly stored on the employee’s home computer, on which Kaspersky Lab software was installed, according to the New York Times.

The Wall Street Journal reported last week that Russian hackers used Kaspersky Lab software installed on a NSA contractor’s computer to steal sensitive information. However, the role of Israeli intelligence in uncovering that intrusion and Russian hackers’ broader use of Kaspersky software in the search for U.S. secrets was not previously known, the New York Times said.

The NSA declined to comment on this story when contacted by Fox News.

Last month the Department of Homeland Security banned federal agencies and departments from using Kaspersky Lab products, citing national security concerns. U.S. officials, who alleged ties between the company and Russian intelligence, gave American government agencies and departments 90 days to get rid of Kaspersky Lab software.

Kaspersky Lab has repeatedly denied the allegations that its products are a threat to U.S. national security, a message it reiterated following the New York Times report. “Kaspersky Lab was not involved in and does not possess any knowledge of the situation in question,” it said, in a statement emailed to Fox News. “As the integrity of our products is fundamental to our business, Kaspersky Lab patches any vulnerabilities it identifies or that are reported to the company.”

“Kaspersky Lab reiterates its willingness to work alongside U.S. authorities to address any concerns they may have about its products as well as its systems, and respectfully requests any relevant, verifiable information that would help the company in its own investigation to certifiably refute the false accusations,” it added.

The Russian and Israeli governments have not yet responded to a request for comment on this story from Fox News.

Of course, all governments hack each other.

All governments do not however announce that they hack each other.

The Jews are announcing that they are hacking someone at the same time they are accusing someone of hacking someone.