Israeli Jews Re-Arrest 51 Freed Prisoners from Gilad Schalit Exchange Over Kidnapped Jew Students

Daily Mail
June 20, 2014

An Israeli soldier and a group of Palestinians are talked to during a military operation in the West Bank city of Hebron.

Israel has re-arrested 51 Palestinians freed in a 2011 prisoner swap deal, the army said on today as it presses on with a furious search for three missing Israeli teens believed to have been abducted in the West Bank.

Israel believes Hamas was behind the abduction of the teens, who disappeared last week on the way home from a religious seminary, and has intensified a clampdown on the militant group.

The 51 rearrested prisoners were part of a group of 1,027 Palestinians released in 2011 from Israeli prisons in exchange for Israeli soldier Gilad Schalit captured by Gaza militants in a cross-border raid in 2006.

They were rearrested overnight, along with 14 other Palestinians, bringing the total number of those arrested since the teens’ disappearance to 240, according to army spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was swift to praise the latest arrests, which brought the total number of those detained to 240.

Missing Jew Gilad Shaar.

‘The operation tonight in which Hamas terrorists were arrested, including some who had been freed in exchange for the return of Gilad Shalit, is a component with an important message in a series of many actions,’ he said in a stateme

He has also used the incident to try to discredit the new Palestinian unity government, which has Hamas backing, and has called on the international community to urge Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to end his unity deal with Hamas.

Israel has said it does not know if Gil-Ad Shaer and U.S.-Israeli national Naftali Fraenkel, both aged 16, and Eyal Yifrah, 19, are alive or what their captors’ demands might be.

Since the swap in 2011, Palestinian militants have called for more kidnappings of Israelis in efforts to release Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails.

Naftali Frenkel

‘We have two efforts ongoing in parallel. First is to bring back the boys, and the second is to take a toll on Hamas for its actions,’ spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Lerner said.

‘What Israel is doing has nothing to do with security, but is a policy of revenge,’ said Qadoura Fares, chairman of the Palestinian Prisoners Club, which advocates on behalf of Palestinians in Israeli custody.

An Egyptian official said that Cairo, which is in contact with Hamas and other Palestinian factions, was helping Israel gather information that might lead to the missing teenagers.

But the official, who spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity, denied Israeli and Palestinian media reports that Egyptian mediation was already under way to return the boys.

‘There is a flow of information (between Egypt and Israel), but we are still short of information, so there is no negotiation,’ the official said.

Eyal Yifrah

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